Deaf Linux community need your help!


New Member
Mar 23, 2009
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Hello everyone! I need your help to involve with Linux community for deaf. Many deaf want to know more about Linux since they know about windows and apple (mac) very well also they can't afford to buy Windows or Mac software.
I know Linux does have many resources.
I am still working on new web site but I want you to vote for pick one or or or etc??
Linux is the fastest growing desktop and server operating system but Windows still rule operating system.

Please look for example that Ubuntu Forums that all hearing joined. That's why I still work on new web site for deaf :wave:
Many already decided to name "" Thanks for your vote support!! :wave: Please spread the word! :wave:
I would love to come but I live in KS. I wonder is there any way that we can chat on Video through Ubuntu?

I would like to learn how to program or make suggestion for Deaf Ubuntu user.

I personally am wanting to create Videophone software for Linux. Such as Z4. I"ve tried Linphone and I nearly got it working and Relay operator answered but it was choppy and slow. There's more ports needed to add and I don't know how to modify this program. I can easily extract ports and ip address from ZOjo to make it work on Linux.

It's community base program that we can create and distribute through GNU licensing.
