deafdyke said:
So deafness is a what? I do consider deafness a disabilty but that doesn't mean I consider it bad. I consider disabilty to be a nautral part of the range of human variance. I am a disabilty rights activist as well, and many of my dis rights peers say that it's not their disabilty which causes all their's the way people treat them! If people treated them equally and didn't think that they were unabled b/c of their differences, then disabilty wouldn't matter. I have faced discrimination and prejudice b/c of my disabilties but I have also faced prejduce and discrimination b/c I am a woman...but I'd never have a sex change or turn my back on my sex b/c of the prejudices and discrimination I face as a woman.
well said, DeafDyke!
That's exactly how I feel about it.... I'm anti-discrimation of any kinds, whenever it be on nationality, gender, sexuality, etc....
The only reason why deaf or other people with disablities has such hard times is because of the idiotic way people act sometimes.
You have no idea how many times many people act like I'm really stupid and need to be told something like six times just because I'm deaf... and many times I've had to say: "I understood you the first time, okay? I'm deaf, NOT STUPID! there's a BIG difference!"
Grrrr. and being an woman myself, it only adds to it when many men and sometimes hearing woman act like I'm really very frail and helpless, that I need to be helped all the time when I don't really need to be helped all the time.
I live on my own, I pay my bills and such just like anybody else... I don't people to help me across the street like I was some old lady and the like. I could go on, but then this would turn into a rant.
stupid people create discrimation/ingorance and hardships for those with handicaps, not the people with the disablites.
it's amazing to see how many people seem to think it's the way around...