deaf/late to work


New Member
Apr 5, 2007
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I was wondering if you ever work with people that have difficulities in the workplace that has to do with their disability. More specifically, I ask if there were any disability act for persons with severe profound hearing loss in the workplace being late to work due to not waking up to her vibrating alarm clock. She lives alone and cannot hear a regular alarm clock. She is put on probation for using so many personal hours due to being late because she did not wake up to the vibrating alarm clock. Thank you
late to work

anyone else have problems with waking up to get to work even if you use a vibrating alarm? i've gotten in trouble at work for being late and i'm afraid i'll be "terminated".
there are no laws for that, that i'm aware of.. I've gone through the same thing.. best thing to do is, if the alarm clock permits, add a light to the clock, it helped me when i had trouble waking up to the vibrating bedshaker.

And it's no surprise she's on probation for lateness. What she should do is go to bed earlier, and set the alarm earlier.
Does this happen everyday or more often?..
If it doesn't happen often, then you should be fine.

I've missed class or work a few times during my 2nd year at RIT. It was partially because of my alarm clock... but also the fire alarm.

I was using the regular alarm clock, not the special alarm clock with vibrator.

Anyway, we had so many fire alarms during those 3 months in that dorm that we had to go outside and wait it out. Sadly, my alarm clock sounds like the fire alarm. So, when I wake up hearing the fire alarm... I would think it was my alarm clock at first and turn it off. Then, I realize that it was the fire alarm. So, I go outside. When I come back inside and go back to sleep, I don't turn my alarm clock back on. The next morning, I oversleep cuz I turned my alarm clock before. :(
I have a strobe light for my alarm and have no trouble waking up to it. Like Bearbeauty suggested, she probably needs to go to bed earlier and set her alarm earlier or get a strobe light. If we, deaf people, want to be treated as equals then we shouldn't be excused for being late. There r so many gadgets that help deaf people to live independently.
I got the sonic alarm clock, and while the vibrating part worked, i used it + the light, but it really wasn't too effective if i was in a deep sleep... I don't even wakeup during minor earthquakes. So that's happened a lot. Get a better alarm clock, like the light ones. The light is annoying, but it does work
it happens

I sleep with my actual cell phone because it has a powerful vibrator. I am late for work about 3x a month and i am in trouble for it. any ideas what to tell my boss?
It havent happened to me when I have my old alarm clock with the light which it was too bright light blub 100 watts HA! too bright it does wake me up easy. When I was lived in dorm it does sometime didnt wake me up cuz of not enough so my counsellor woke me up get ready for school which it was late ahhh but lucky me arrive on time in high school lol :lol:
get sonic boom alarm because it woke me up really good... cuz it make me feel like an earthquake!!
How do you feel during daytime? If you find yourself feel tired quite often, it is possible that you have sleep apnea. This is common with people who have diffcult time to sleep well due to the nasal or throat blockage. Thus affecting them to having trouble to get up in the morning.
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Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! Hope you'll be able to find some good useful solutions with your morning be able to awake in time, in order to get to work on time. Also, enjoy your stay here in AD!

Have a great day! :wave:

Your body tells you when to wake up not an alarm clock, its your internal clock, your carcadium rhythms. All alarm clocks are is insurance, they ensure we wake up at a certian hour if we screw up our internal clock. So being deaf is no excuse, if you are late you are late.
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Your body tells you when to wake up not an alarm clock, its your internal clock, your carcadium rhythms. All alarm clocks are is insurance, they ensure we wake up at a certian hour if we screw up our internal clock. So being deaf is no excuse, if you are late you are late.

To further extend this thought, there is really no excuse for being late whether one is deaf or otherwise. There are plenty of things technologywise available out there to wake one up. I have a flash alarm and I have used that system for decades. I seldom ever have a problem. My body often senses when to wake up and I often wake up just before the alarm goes off. I may be married and my wife hearing, for all that she pretty much leaves it to me to get myself up. It is a responsibility that I take seriously and I will not ever excuse it to my "deafness".

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