Deaf Heaven

Originally posted by LadyDuke
Yes, there is a Heaven.

The astronauts won't be able to see Heaven because it's not necessarily above the clouds. Heaven may be wayyyy above the universe where no space shuttle could reach because Heaven may be in a spiritual form.

As for deafness in Heaven, I don't think deafness exists in Heaven. I was told somewhere in the Bible that God "tests" so-called disabled or handicapped people's faith in Him. If their faith is so strong, they will be healed in name of Jesus Christ. However, Jesus Christ is not on Earth right now therefore we all will have to wait until the day we die and go to Heaven to be "healed" or "cured".

I really do not know if there will be English or other foreign languages in Heaven. Communication in Heaven MAY be based only on telepathy (speaking with our minds only).

The Bible does not necessarily specify on everything what God already knew. We will get all the answers on that day we face God and Jesus Christ.

I'll be reincarnated into Silience Gold and Emadaline. I may be their new daughter. :D I will wear a cowgirl hat and boots when my Mom will give me a birth.

Hey tell the doctor do not spank my butt. :shock:
Originally posted by DirtyOldMan
I'm still alive and living proof! God have been calling my name for a very long time! He didn't realize that I'm deaf!


You better hurry up to make an appointment to see a specialist doctor to get you a cochlear implants. God will call you pretty soon, you will hear his voice !

You will meet many old dirty angels up there !
According to the Bible, all deafs who go to heaven will be hearing.
hmm-- i wonder if god is all knowing... if he doesnt know sign langauge i'd call him a cheap motherfucker.
Originally posted by LadyDuke
Yes, there is a Heaven.

The astronauts won't be able to see Heaven because it's not necessarily above the clouds. Heaven may be wayyyy above the universe where no space shuttle could reach because Heaven may be in a spiritual form.

As for deafness in Heaven, I don't think deafness exists in Heaven. I was told somewhere in the Bible that God "tests" so-called disabled or handicapped people's faith in Him. If their faith is so strong, they will be healed in name of Jesus Christ. However, Jesus Christ is not on Earth right now therefore we all will have to wait until the day we die and go to Heaven to be "healed" or "cured".

I really do not know if there will be English or other foreign languages in Heaven. Communication in Heaven MAY be based only on telepathy (speaking with our minds only).

The Bible does not necessarily specify on everything what God already knew. We will get all the answers on that day we face God and Jesus Christ.
Cripes.........Just read the bible again....its full of fables like feeding 5,000 people with a loaf of bread and 3 fish!!!!!!! Come on no one can do that!!!!!!!!! Geez :stupid:
Originally posted by daveyboy
Cripes.........Just read the bible again....its full of fables like feeding 5,000 people with a loaf of bread and 3 fish!!!!!!! Come on no one can do that!!!!!!!!! Geez :stupid:

Yes, it's true. You and I will never be able to understand what kind of power Jesus Christ possesses because we never will have this kind of power.

There are times I ate only one meal and am full for the rest of the day and dion't have to eat until next day. That's similiar to how Jesus Christ fed thousands of people with only 5 loaves of brad and 3 fish (can't remmy how many breads and fish).
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I don't think there will be deaf heaven...i think you will be "reborn" after you die :)
Originally posted by SilenceGold
I don't believe in Heaven. I believe that we would cease to exist.

Even if there was a heaven, it might be possible that you would be able to communicate without a language.

Right on, SG...I know I'm late in posting in here..but hey! I have been reading through thread after thread and catching up with the old ones that were posted before I registered here. ;)

I believe the same that us human beings will cease to exist once we've died....I just don't know if there's a heaven and a hell or not. I would reckon we'll have to wait until we've died and find out then.
Originally posted by Sabrina
I'll be reincarnated into Silience Gold and Emadaline. I may be their new daughter. :D I will wear a cowgirl hat and boots when my Mom will give me a birth.

Hey tell the doctor do not spank my butt. :shock:

I don't know if my daughter would ever wear a cowgirl hat and pair of boots. If you don't get spanked while being'll choke and die. That's why doctors spank babies to make them cry and breath.

Are you obsessed with making quote posts with me?