I believe that the "heaven" is only all based on our faith and beliefs. Whatever faith you have, that is what you will look forward to. Lets say, BabyPhat thinks that there will be Deaf Heaven- thats her faith, she will make it happen out of her belief once she gets there. As of for me, I believe that heaven is open to everybody, the way God made us but with only additonal perfections in heaven where everybody can be what they want to be. For example, my faith, I believe that my heaven will be open to me, where I can be able to hear- also sign and share the life I had on earth. Be able to see my family members. And as of for the white people- like I said, SilenceGold,- God made us the way we are. Do you ever wonder if you'll go white? My point is, ofc there will be diversity in heaven only if you let it.