why are you learning ASL, T? are you studying to be an interpreter? are you dating someone deaf?
So many reasons. It's something I really wanted to do when I was a kid, but there were no resources at the time (and place). A few years ago I crossed paths with some Deaf people and it hit me, there's this thing I wanted and couldn't have, but now things are different: there are just so many resources (both online and where I live).
So part of it is just for me, I like signing. I like the parts of my brain it seems to use, or use in a different way. Both expressive and receptive, in different ways. And when I think about Deaf people, it just seems like an obvious call: I can learn to sign. It's not too much to ask of me. Especially since I like doing it. Deaf people can't just get up one morning and decide to start to hear. And even if they could, Deafness is interwoven with Deaf culture and ASL for many people, it's important enough that they wouldn't want to leave it if they could. So it makes sense to learn. Even just for communicating with people you run into in the course of your life, IMO.
And I really like being able to communicate directly with people. I don't aspire to be an interpreter, but I want very much not to *need* an interpreter. Even as a hearing person usually surrounded by other hearing people, I've been infuriated so many times hearing someone say "well T said" and then just get my meaning completely wrong. Or wrong enough to make a mess of things. And that's all within one language! I know there are lots of really talented interpreters out there, and I know that many Deaf people have come to terms with whatever level of trust is necessary to depend on their work, but I have a really hard time dealing with the same scenario: having a third person involved in my communications with people. I really want to be able to communicate directly.
There are other things too, ways that signing benefits me on a personal level (that hadn't occurred to me until I started doing it, and that I won't post online) and also political reasons I learned about after starting to study Deaf history and culture. There have been many awful efforts to take ASL away from Deaf people as a community. I feel like knowing the language, being ready to use it, makes the world a tiny bit more Deaf friendly, and that's a good way to sort of vote for Deaf rights and better access, just by our own choices.
Sometimes I'm kind of amazed that everyone doesn't want to learn at least some signing. Different modes of communication are useful (or not) in different situations. Voice is great if you and your friend are walking down a hallway and both carrying big boxes (using both hands). Signing is way better if you're walking down a noisy street and you see your friend on a bus that's about to pull away. So many times I've been in situations where I would think, "It would be really good if I could get a message to that person over there. Before learning ASL, my mind wouldn't have even thought of the possibility. And they probably don't sign, so it's not going to happen, but the potential is there." I would think that people would want to give themselves lots of different options. But really, until I got into this stuff, it would never have occurred to me either.
Ok, I do this, I write these novels. I'll write separately about resources, maybe in a PM, because that depends on how far along you are. Also because I'm starting to feel like a broken record about certain resources that I think are like gold but I don't want to jam them down people's throats:0