Deaf has done with a crime before but have deaf done this one?


New Member
Apr 19, 2004
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I m aware that deaf has some history with the crime like rape, shoplifling, buglar to somebody, murder, i know alot of deaf has been history with stuff but I don't see any history for deaf who rob a bank?

I was dicussing with Flyfree about it.. we relaized that we don't see or hear or aware about deaf history with rob a bank?

Care to dicuss?
Interesting topic! I don't know any of deafies who robbed the bank, but I DO remember a blind guy walked in bank, demanding money then walk off. He was later arrested because he was so easily recongized. It was in my hometown local newspaper, sometimes 20 years ago.

Im deaf, sometimes I wish I could rob the bank, but I got too much to lose. So no thanks!
what's so hard about robbing banks? first you need to know exactly where the money is located, then study the location, and then wear your clothes all black, wear some sunglasses, and something to cover your mouth. Then get some of your deadly weapons like a shotgun nor a pair of desert eagles...etc whatever you want and then have a partner who can drive for you to the bank and then when you finally robbed it, run back to the car, and then ditch the car for a different car and flee into the highway to another state line.

:D I guess I learned that from watching alot of
*falls off my chair laughing*

Sorry. My Uncle Derek (my father's half brother) is hard-of-hearing, more hearing than deaf last time I saw him. It could have changed, but nonetheless he is deaf to some degree.

He was accused of robbing 3 banks. They called him the "pizza box robber" since he held a pizza box and said "There's a bomb in the box, give me the money NOW!" The deal was, confess to the one we know you did, and do time for only one. I think he got 6-10 years in prison, and he has to pay back the money he stole. (I will need to talk to my Uncle Joey to confirm the amount.) But Derek's been in since 2000, I believe. He is getting out next month or in June on good behavior.

Deaf people are no exception to crime ;)
WTF! I cant edit my own post. Musta waited too long..

Anyways I was talking to my Uncle Joey about Derek. He says that Derek has been in prison since 2000, (5 years now) and will be getting out in August. He's getting out when they said he would, no early release, no probation. The lack of weapon avoided him 20 years in prison.

He owed $17,000, and he has been working in prison to slowly pay it off. He'll have to go to halfway house when he gets out. Apparently showing up is mandatory, staying isn't. I don't know much more about halfway houses.

I don't know of any deaf bank robbers, but there was a story I'm using in an item in regards to police and the deaf community. The full story is Here about a deaf man that was accused of bank robbery.
ahh yah intresting anyone who knows whats gonna happen ur best bet g et a attorney before ur accused of anything it ll deter the cops from being stupid
I totally agreed with CoolieFroggie,

Usually it's hard to catch anyone in the acts of committing the Crimes, Most have no records which haven't been caughted yet, Still on the loose committing Rapes, Molestings, Scammings from door to door or On the Internet, Thefts, Breaking & Entering, Cons Artists, Murdered, Burglar, Robbing, Shoplifting, Domestic Violence, Battery, and more etcs.

Not onlys Deaf or Hard of Hearing are Criminal, It doesn't matter rather it's handicaps or disabilities or normals people, It the matters of the illness in the mind of a criminals or If they know what's right from wrong, But most don't care and most criminal are animals.

From my understanding is why some people have bad history, Most people come from bad family, Most didn't have a good family life and They turned out to be a Criminal, They may have parents that don't care and Does a bad things in front of them while they're little and On up as they got older, And that's where they learned this from. Yes it's sad very sad.

But anyone who came into this world were not born bad or Nor a criminal either, It's the Imperfectism in this world that we all have sins from our first parents Adam and Eve who broked God's law from eating the Bad & Good Tree, We are to blame our first parents that's Adam & Eve, Not blaming the person who sinned, and We try hard to do what's right, It ain't easy, But might as well pray earnest to God to protects and to helps you to avoid doing the wrong things, Yes it's hard, but God is patients with you.

I used to roommated with Internet people, It was Real Bad, I found out that my ex-roommate are Cons Artists, Scammers and a Thefts, They stole my stuff and another ex-roommate's stuff, Well I got this taken care of and BeWare everyone do not move in with people you meet over the Internet, You'll ended up like me how I got my stuff stolen, or Worst could they be a killers too ? It's very dangerous to be roommate with Internet people you don't know.

Take care of yourself & Have a Safe Summers, smile winks! :wave: from PePe LePew
I read a newspaper in GB, two deaf men break in a general store, and pinch money from the till, unknow to them, the alarm went off, police turn up in a flash!! :bump:

The police said it is the best job they have had! :whistle:
Remember, a lot of bank robbers get away with robbing banks. If they get away with it, we don't know who they were. If we don't know who they were, we don't know what they were really like. Maybe, there were a few deaf bank robbers that got away with it and we didn't know about it. ;)
Steel said:
what's so hard about robbing banks? first you need to know exactly where the money is located, then study the location, and then wear your clothes all black, wear some sunglasses, and something to cover your mouth. Then get some of your deadly weapons like a shotgun nor a pair of desert eagles...etc whatever you want and then have a partner who can drive for you to the bank and then when you finally robbed it, run back to the car, and then ditch the car for a different car and flee into the highway to another state line.

:D I guess I learned that from watching alot of
I know that you are just teasing. But you do bring up some interesting points. At the banks and credit unions I use, customers are not allowed to wear sunglasses, ski masks, hats, sweater hoods, or anything covering part of the face, into the buildings. Definitely no shotguns allowed, ha, ha. Of course, who will stop you from entering?

Also, Taylor correct me if this is wrong, but I don't think crossing a state line gets you a free pass from a police pursuit after a bank robbery. That is a Federal crime, right?
I went to high school with a deaf boy 2 years younger than myself, and his crime was breaking and entering in cars. Well, he kept on doing this felony for years so he was jailed for 5 years each (10 years total), even while he was married and has a kid now. I just saw his mugshot and his felonies (they didn't count his juvenile crimes though) in a online criminal corrections site not too long ago. He's out of jail now....I hope he stays out of trouble.
My point is...yes, deaf people are no exception of doing crimes.
Somehow, this thread got 'resurrected'. This reminds me of a funny, but true anecdote. A couple of years ago, a client of mine went to a casino somewhere in Nevada and gambled for a while. He had a scrip or a piece of paper, indicating his winnings. Naturally, he went to the cage to claim his winnings, but for some reason, he wrote down, 'Where's my money!?!'.

Promptly, a crowd of security personnel quickly whisked him away to a private office, where they later found out that he was just a Deaf gambler in a rush to claim his winnings, not a ol' bank robber! :)