As a former esthetician, communication is very important in this line of work, so if you are very deaf and can not lipread well, hear at least moderately well,
then I don't know how possibly you could be a hairdresser unless you are going to have deaf-mostly clientele or deaf-aware.
How deaf you are? how well do you communicate with hearing?
However, if you really really really want this and feel that you have a talent..
what people want in the end is well done hair, so.. there is always a chance a customer will overlook a communication difficulty in place for a great hair cut
and a amazing color job.
Still, however, I would think hard what to do to have personal communication aide.
Perhaps once you'll finish school (will they grant you a special assistance?? you will need one, since there is quite an amount of theory in hairdressing
when in comes to coloring, cutting, styling tips)
and open your own shop, you will be able to hire instead of one more hairdresser - an aide?
Lots to think about, lots to plan about..