Deaf guy on CBS's "The Amazing Race"

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wow, I can understand. I would feel the same way . Thank you , Thank you :)
Finished!!! :)

I finally finished it and just in time for the next episode! lol sorry it took so long, finals are coming up this week and next week. Not sure how to post a word document? It is LONG so I don't want to copy paste all of this :) It's a total of 22 pages. Forewarning: I've never done a transcribing of something like this and I hope (crosses fingers) that it is what you want.

Key notes: The beginning looks a little messy with Phil's introduction because they cut to different previous scenes so each person is color coded to their team color, which is whomever Phil mentions. After that, no color coding was needed. Anything bolded and italicized was to give a general location of where they were in the game. Anything italicized was a reaction (given mostly at the end, near confrontation). I had troubles hearing what they said sometimes so forgive me if I wasn't completely on target. (Kisha mumbles a ton!) Let me know how to best post this or send this.

Thank you !!! I love you! LOL that's ok how you write it because I can watch it while reading. :) I can imagine it take a long time, and I know it is dedicating process and Thank you :)

Edited, you can post it on your AllDeaf blog if that helps. you might have to break it up some if it need to be.
That is nice of you. You know there is a new one tonight? :P

LOL yes I know :) But hey I had it done just in time for the next one! This week is finals week as well as the next one. I will see if I can do the next one :) I can't wait to see tonight's, looks like Jen and Kisha have a fear of water! Hope they're eliminated!!!
LOL yes I know :) But hey I had it done just in time for the next one! This week is finals week as well as the next one. I will see if I can do the next one :) I can't wait to see tonight's, looks like Jen and Kisha have a fear of water! Hope they're eliminated!!!

I am strongly hoping they are eliminated too!!:wave:
LOL yes I know :) But hey I had it done just in time for the next one! This week is finals week as well as the next one. I will see if I can do the next one :) I can't wait to see tonight's, looks like Jen and Kisha have a fear of water! Hope they're eliminated!!!

:D actually I just wanted to know what's going on with this espiode because everyone was making a big deal out of it, and it has to do with deafness.
LOL yes I know :) But hey I had it done just in time for the next one! This week is finals week as well as the next one. I will see if I can do the next one :) I can't wait to see tonight's, looks like Jen and Kisha have a fear of water! Hope they're eliminated!!!

I believe that they're elminated. Luke is owned Jen to be called bitch.
:D actually I just wanted to know what's going on with this espiode because everyone was making a big deal out of it, and it has to do with deafness.

That part, the biggest part, is at the very end. It was very interesting to try to capture everything going on at once because everyone was talking and then Margie and Luke were signing at the same time.

Chevy: Thanks! :)
Don't want to spoil anything for anyone but I wasn't expecting the show to end the way it did tonight!!!
Sadly no one was eliminated and it just continues next week. :(

Jen and Kista won't elimatnate the race because the race is not over. Oh, boy. We will see what happen next sunday.
Damn it! I thought that Jen and Kista could elminated this race but not yet to end it till next week.
Adding fuel to the fire, I know but had to post:

Reality TV: The Worst Human Beings on Reality Shows

Margie and Luke (Amazing Race)
These two tricked us. We were instantly in love with them at first, thinking they were this season's Toni and Dallas, but one unnecessary U-Turn (of Amanda and Kris) and one absolutely ridiculous Pit Stop fight (with Kisha and Jen, in which Margie completely misinterpreted and overreacted to their uncomfortable laughter, inappropriately brought up the race card, and wielded accusations like a battle axe) later, we are so over them. We should have known when even the good-natured Mike White referred to Luke as "the sinister deaf kid."
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I hope Luke & his mother will WIN!

I can't believe most hearing people HATE Luke & Margie. So much wrote anti-Luke & Margie. I feel upset all bad chat. I knew Jen & Kisha are very wrongful because she called bad word for him. Luke and Margie feel not happy with them.

I don't like Jen & Kisha.

I wish Luke & Margie can winning possible! :fingersx:
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That's where it all started, the u-turned and ever since, people hated them. I think they are shocked because they expected deaf people to be sweet and nice , which some of them are, but the rest of us like to be independent and be ourself without worrying people ditching us (as far as accommodation).
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