Deaf girls scam old men


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Premium Member
Oct 31, 2007
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A BOLO is police terminology for "Be On the Look Out."

We have a local BOLO here for two young women, believed to be deaf, who are scammers.

They seem to target older men, most in their 50s and 60s, who are Christmas shopping.

Here's how the scam works . . .

Two super good-looking girls in their early twenties come over to your car in the parking lot as you're putting purchases in back. Even though it’s cold, they have on skimpy, revealing outfits. They sign how they are deaf and begin cleaning your windshield with rags and Windex, rubbing their bodies suggestively against your car. It is impossible not to look. When you thank them and offer them a tip, they sign "No" and sign they are cold and need a ride somewhere.

Of course, you agree and they get in the back seat. On the way, they start undressing even more. Then one climbs over into the front seat and starts crawling all over you. That’s when the other deaf girl steals your wallet.

Apparently, these girls repeatedly victimize older deaf men, because since Thanksgiving, I have had my wallet stolen November 28th and twice on the 30th. In December, my wallet was stolen on the 2nd, 5th, 7th, and 9th. Also on December, they took my wallet on the 14th, 17th, 19th, and twice today. It's very likely I will have my wallet stolen a couple times this coming weekend.

Is that a made up story to be intended as a joke or is that for real?
Hahahahahahahahaahahaahaaha!!! Brilliant!!! Thanks for the laugh! :laugh2:
That gives a whole new meaning to the saying

Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice, shame on me

Yep, it's a two-girl crime wave. They got six wallets from me already in January. It would have been more, but I think the girls take Sunday off, as I waited for them five hours last Sunday.
I bet I could resist... Of course, I wouldn't give them a ride in the first place... just tell them "got no gas!"
How in the world did you ever get the name "dork" (annoying, without a clue, unfunny)? You obviously appreciate subtle humor.