Deaf gay father fights for custody of son

Miss*Pinocchio said:
Then your child's father might think oh, if I be gay... then there is a higher chance to get full custody of the child.

You would be piss.... if your child's father put a stunt like this...
by pretending to be gay and to do whatever to take your child away.


That's upsurd.
:::sigh sadly:::

The truth is, it should be looked at what is best for the child than looking at what his parent's sexually relationship may be with whom or what...It the child we're talking about here not the parents, and the most important thing is to make the child happy...

If the judge had asked the child's opinion on whether he would want to live with his father or his mother, then it wouldn't had been this hard on both parties or on the child himself....But unfortunately the judge looked at it as a gay father raising this child with another man living in the same householder, the judge sure didn't look at it as the child well being, or the child's wishes but more looking at it by the father happen to be gay....

I think this is totally unfair, it should be more looked at what is best for the child and we will never know if this is what the child really wanted....What happened to the child's right? or their opinion in this? aren't they allow to speak up since it's all about the child's happiness!!
Oceanbreeze said:
I agree with you that a parent must do what is best for their child, but where is it implied that a couple has to place his or her love life on hold? Nobody does that, Reba. Parents separate their child from bedroom activities, but they don't put their love life on hold just because they are raising a child.

Why would you make that distinction here?
I am referring to divorced parents. After a child's parents divorce, the child needs to know his place in the family is secure. The child needs more attention and reassurance. The child does NOT need "competition" for attention from mom or dad's boyfriend or girlfriend. The child does NOT need any new "drama" added to the family situation. Divorce is hard enough on kids. Sometimes it involves moving from home, new schools, less money, less time with parents, etc. The kids don't need another new face added to the mix. The child didn't ask for the divorce to happen, and the child's life should be disrupted as little as possible. If mom or dad's "love life" causes problems in the family, then the parent should put the child first, and "love life" on hold. It is a matter of priorities.

I'm not talking about "bedroom activities".
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Then your child's father might think oh, if I be gay... then there is a higher chance to get full custody of the child.

You would be piss.... if your child's father put a stunt like this...
by pretending to be gay and to do whatever to take your child away.

I'd like to respond to this more fully...I'd be upset if ANY man was trying to take my child away from me. It doesn't matter if he was gay or not, but that's beside the point. In this case, what matters is what is best for the child, and, I don't think being gay is a reason to exclude someone from having custody of a child. Like I said in a previous post, most people know better than to expose a child to their bedroom activities, and most do that. It's just common sense. You don't allow your kid to see what you are doing behind closed doors. That's why the door is closed. Period... The end... End of discussion.
Reba said:
I am referring to divorced parents. After a child's parents divorce, the child needs to know his place in the family is secure. The child needs more attention and reassurance. The child does NOT need "competition" for attention from mom or dad's boyfriend or girlfriend. The child does NOT need any new "drama" added to the family situation. Divorce is hard enough on kids. Sometimes it involves moving from home, new schools, less money, less time with parents, etc. The kids don't need another new face added to the mix. The child didn't ask for the divorce to happen, and the child's life should be disrupted as little as possible. If mom or dad's "love life" causes problems in the family, then the parent should put the child first, and "love life" on hold. It is a matter of priorities.

I'm not talking about "bedroom activities".

OK. On this, I agree with you. Sadly, though, divorce is the norm. It also sounds like they are making a big deal out of the father being gay, and like I already stated, I don't think that's reason to yank custody away from him. If the home is proven to be stable enough for the boy, then he should go live with his Dad, and the fact that the father is gay, shouldn't matter. Personally, it would be good if they could mediate the case before it goes before the judge, and work out a joint custody arrangement. Anyone who's actually divorced and dealing with joint custody want to chime in? I'd like to hear your opinions on it.
Oceanbreeze said:
Anyone who's actually divorced and dealing with joint custody want to chime in? I'd like to hear your opinions on it.

Ive had a joint custody for past five years. Granted it is tough but kids need BOTH parents regardless of our sexual orientation, etc.

In our custody agreement, we agreed that we will not bring a person over for a sleepover (opposite sex) while our girls are around. We agreed that we would not live with someone unless married. But that is our own personal agreement. Everyone is different. If my ex is gay or me gay, we would have to comply with that.

I didnt want to post here because I didnt want anything to do with MissP 's senseless ranting about gay fathers.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Mother should always get custody.

The gay father needs to back off and stop trying to get sympathy
and get a job and pay child support.

Miss Pinocchio the comment you just say is full of craps. Dont ya know that there are not always "perfect mothers out there" even there are some worse mothers out there even fathers. I believe that some gay parents may have raised children better than normal parents but not always. FYI-NOT EVERY PARENT (any types or races) S NOT PERFECT.

and SUPPOSELY if mother is lebsian and father is straight and therefore it is no difference between them.

ONLY thing is the best decisions on child or children's needs (depend on children's age) some children can be asked who they want to live with but keep in mind some children especially the teenagers (some of them) may take advantages of pick weak parents to have some of their bad ways ya know what I mean. Not all children are capable of making decision.
Shiva said:
Miss Pinocchio the comment you just say is full of craps. Dont ya know that there are not always "perfect mothers out there" even there are some worse mothers out there even fathers. I believe that some gay parents may have raised children better than normal parents but not always. FYI-NOT EVERY PARENT (any types or races) S NOT PERFECT.

and SUPPOSELY if mother is lebsian and father is straight and therefore it is no difference between them.

ONLY thing is the best decisions on child or children's needs (depend on children's age) some children can be asked who they want to live with but keep in mind some children especially the teenagers (some of them) may take advantages of pick weak parents to have some of their bad ways ya know what I mean. Not all children are capable of making decision.
THIS IS A MEAN SOCIETY!!!!! It is cruel...

My 4th cousin, who is 9 years old,,, told her GRANDMOM
to never to never ever come to her class with her rollers in her hair.
Cause the children are teasing her.
My cousin was pissed off and hurt by that...

ANd you think it is okay for a gay parent to raise a child,,,
just to be political correct.

Yeah the child should decide, and most likely the child
will choose to live with straight parent...

Got it? :smash:
Miss*Pinocchio said:
THIS IS A MEAN SOCIETY!!!!! It is cruel...

My 4th cousin, who is 9 years old,,, told her GRANDMOM
to never to never ever come to her class with her rollers in her hair.
Cause the children are teasing her.
My cousin was pissed off and hurt by that...

ANd you think it is okay for a gay parent to raise a child,,,
just to be political correct.

Yeah the child should decide, and most likely the child
will choose to live with straight parent...

Got it? :smash:

You are the one who need to ask yourself if you got it.
Meg said:
You are the one who need to ask yourself if you got it.

That is why I don't wanna have kids... cause
I have TCS... if all of my kids have noooo TCS... and if they look normal...
and then they go to school... they will be ashame of me.

They will.

Sorry for being pessmistic, but that is reality.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
That is why I don't wanna have kids... cause
I have TCS... if all of my kids have noooo TCS... and if they look normal...
and then they go to school... they will be ashame of me.

They will.

Sorry for being pessmistic, but that is reality.

you underestimate power of children's unconditional love for their parents.

my girls ar enot ashamed of me being deaf. in fact they are very proud of me and show me off to everyone. I know many other parents with way much more serious problems than you do yet their children are so proud of them.

you are being pessmistic and this is not reality.
Oceanbreeze said:
Are you sincere, MsP? Somehow, I wonder.........

God said Love everyone... so that is what I am doing...

My therapist told me today to hug everyone. :angel: