Deaf from birth...or? (poll)

When did you go deaf?

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Deaf as a post since the day I popped out of my mother's womb!
born perfect hearing,had accident when 30 biggest bout of meniers attacks for two weeks after and lost 95% hearing,was pregnant at the time baby born with big problems think it oxygen thing for both of us
Had perfect hearing, then had a serious blood infection, Sepsis. Lost all of my hearing overnight.
Had perfect hearing also, then became totally deaf as a result of a really bad accident.
well i vote other cuz it really wasnt illness but it more like high fever along with ear infection at age of 2 and i was hoh until 6th grade had other ear infection and hearing decreased as i grew up until senior became full deaf.
pneumonia at the age of 18, antibiotics resulted in hearing loss. Now severe/profound 50 yrs later.
Deaf from birth. :)
I thought I posted this here. Guess I better post this as I had voted Deaf from birth back then.

My mother had high fever while I was 4 months along in her womb. She does not know what kind of fever she had. She did not understand her own doctor. The doctor was not speaking her language so that she can understand what she was having with her fever back then. That was 69 years ago (I will be 69 this November). :(
Born hearing, lost almost all of my hearing in my right ear (except for certain sounds I could feel, but not hear), and hard of hearing in my left ear at 15 months. Fast forward to 2011, and my right ear hearing is completely gone, and my left ear is under 45% hearing today, when it was at 51% in 2004.
I voted after illness and late deaf. I have otosclerosis and I've been losing my hearing since I was 5 years old for sure.. not sure about earlier since I wasn't tested until then. I still got most of one ear though lol
Born with severe ear infections/pain, basically lived with earaches until my early teens, doctors never knew what was the cause. I was fitted with HA in second grade ( didnt help, analog back in the early 70's) quit wearing them because of bullying. Didnt get/try new HA until 2004 because my boss encouraged me to get them. Digitals worked great but were pushing their max power and would quickly die out, been through several pairs from 2004 to 2009, then the last pair died after having issues from day one. Now I am in a world of silence, audi says CI is the only thing that will work for me at this point. So late Deafened, HOH since birth, struggled through mainstream schooling.
I was born deaf but old days doctors didn't do test to see if i was deaf till I was (12 months old ) 1 years old.. now I'm 36 go figures eh? :)
Wirelessly posted

Severely-deaf from Birth. Born premature. Born into all-hearing family.
8th cranial nerve damage at birth. It also affected my balance.
A really high fever caused damage to my hearing in both ears when I was 2 years old. It was SOP for KID Syndrome (the D is for Deafness.)
I had a TBI (traumatic brain injury) when I was 19 and left me with moderate server to sever hearing loss and had just gotten worse since then. I wear ear plugs a lot to protect the hearing I have left.

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