You are really odd showing up here from searching your kid and telling us all in your first post how superior she is to the rest of us due to CI.
You edited , but I quoted you so it is still there for all to see.
I don't why you are so defensive. I NEVER said she was superior! As for me being on this site, I try to keep up with with the deaf culture. Obviously, you have a problem with the hearing world. It is OK to be hearing as it is OK to be deaf! MY kid, my decision. You're kids will rely on your decision. And as for searching this site, I have a google alert the tells me when there is a site of interest containing HOH, deaf, and cochlear implants. I don't judge you for not receiving a cochlear, same as you should not judge me for choosing one for my child!
Your hate is not representing this site well. I edited that post because if you thought it sounded harsh or offensive, I did not want that. And don't bother deleting me, I wouldn't want to return.