Deaf Fourth-Grader is a Spelling Bee Champ

You are really odd showing up here from searching your kid and telling us all in your first post how superior she is to the rest of us due to CI.

You edited , but I quoted you so it is still there for all to see.

I don't why you are so defensive. I NEVER said she was superior! As for me being on this site, I try to keep up with with the deaf culture. Obviously, you have a problem with the hearing world. It is OK to be hearing as it is OK to be deaf! MY kid, my decision. You're kids will rely on your decision. And as for searching this site, I have a google alert the tells me when there is a site of interest containing HOH, deaf, and cochlear implants. I don't judge you for not receiving a cochlear, same as you should not judge me for choosing one for my child!
Your hate is not representing this site well. I edited that post because if you thought it sounded harsh or offensive, I did not want that. And don't bother deleting me, I wouldn't want to return.
I don't why you are so defensive. I NEVER said she was superior! As for me being on this site, I try to keep up with with the deaf culture. Obviously, you have a problem with the hearing world. It is OK to be hearing as it is OK to be deaf! MY kid, my decision. You're kids will rely on your decision. And as for searching this site, I have a google alert the tells me when there is a site of interest containing HOH, deaf, and cochlear implants. I don't judge you for not receiving a cochlear, same as you should not judge me for choosing one for my child!
Your hate is not representing this site well. I edited that post because if you thought it sounded harsh or offensive, I did not want that. And don't bother deleting me, I wouldn't want to return.

Well that is fascinating... I don't have a Google alert set on my kids.
Obviously the booze...

You need a hug too dreamer.....
(Holds out arms)
So did they speak the words to her?
I would repeat the words back so I don't accidentally spell the wrong word.
Visual learners rock!
I was the best speller in my class until college, now it is deplorable..
Now I use my visual-spacial processor to memorize large concepts, signs, speeches or my notes in one glance. I love it when people are like why are you so good at (all the above) when you don't study?
Really? That is permitted??
Discussion of religious topics is prohibited. What we're doing is more against the rules than Parent simply stating her decision process and how her world view guides her actions. She isn't proselytizing or telling others how to believe.

It's no worse than someone stating they flipped a coin to make a decision, or used an AD poll to make a decision.

Also, we are allowed to identify ourselves as Christians, atheists, Buddhists, pagans, Jews, Muslims, or whatever. That's not a discussion or debate.
Then delete me! GOD uses her for HIS glory. I will never deny His will being done in her life.

People on the forum tend to be overly sensitive about religion. Believing in a high power is the new discrimination of this age. I'd be grateful to God too and all the wonderful doctors that helped your family along the way. Congrats on your child's achievement. BTW, I could never spell, as a child and I still struggle with it as an adult. I think your child is awesome too....:wave:

There is one thing I could not stand is having a hearing parent trying to find miracles to improve our disability like deaf, blind or Down Syndrome including who are paralyze (could not walk). She think that God or Jesus would help cure her by having her go through the surgery for CI. Even with that, the only problem we, deafies, are that we had to struggle to being forced to please parents and the mainstream schools without accommodations so that we can understand what every one is saying including the Spelling Bees. Yeah, that is what I thought that deaf kid would not be allow to have ASL interpreter or mouth the spelling passing on to her. Most hearing people hate that. Well, that is too bad. Most interpreters were honest enough not to cover up by correcting the words to the Deaf spellers. They would spell wrong if the Deaf speller had spell wrong. We need this accommodations in many public places. We should not be discriminate for this. That is why we were thinking that your daughter was doing this just to please you for what you want her to be. We were pretty turn off by this. **sigh** :(