Deaf family


  • Yes I have deaf relatives.

    Votes: 21 35.6%
  • No I don't have deaf relaves.

    Votes: 38 64.4%

  • Total voters
Im the only deaf person in the family.

Edit: Actually, my stepmother's nephew is deaf too, but I wouldn't call him part of my family since my dad remarried when I was a teenager. So I didn't "grow up" with my stepmother's family.

He has a CI and is mainstreamed. too.
I am only one known deaf person in my whole family.


My family are really supportive, although I know a few aunts and uncles forget at times and don't look at me when talking...
a cousin from my mom's family, she's HOH as a result of treatment for an illness.

I also had a great great great great aunt that was a deaf mute from my mom's side of the family.
Thats fine. I voted that i have no deaf family. my dad just had hearing loss couple of years ago but it isnt related with deaf issue. I believe it is his aging that has hearing loss. i always think aging and gene arent related if i m not mistake. :hmm:

Okay, I understand what you are saying. Okay, I voted no. :wave:
I am the only deaf person in my family. Born that way.
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Me, my oldest son is becoming more HOH, he grew up hearing (hoh) as did I. I have an aunt and cousin who are same. Myself, my aunt and cousin all lost hearing due to cholesteatoma. We all were mildly hoh at first, then moreso, then lost hearing. They are oral, pen and paper. I am deaf, learning and using asl and not verbal at all except at work. I have no choice there.

So that is 4 of us. I don't know about the younger relatives yet.
I have a deaf cousin dan... apparently he was born profoundly deaf... and is the black sheep of the family because of it. He was labeled an oral failure (found this out through my grandma... she accidentally let it slip... but no one in the family communicates with him.) my Nana (moms mom) has some hearing loss... but thats due to old age for her... and my niece is HoH. two nephews and another niece have tubes in their ears... but i'm the only one, other than dan who is Deaf, though Izzy is well on her way to becoming Deaf!
My dominantly inherited mutation means deaf family. Four generations so far (that I know of).
Who know, I could of had people in my parents famliy that where HOH or deaf years ago. I have cousins I never meet on my father and never will meet , there could be a cousin that HOH or deaf. It would interested to find out but I have no idea where they live .
Just my younger brother. Both of us were born deaf due to genetics.

My dad is HOH but that is from environmental influence and he is in denial about it.
Only deaf in my family. One granddaughter *might* be HoH but still undergoing testing and have not heard back from daughter to find out. She, her husband and all her kids know sign. :)
My daughter is deaf (ASL was her first language, she's fluent), my dad progressively lost his hearing after initial loss during military service, though he refused aids until his early 50s and considered everyone else to be mumbling or non-responsive for a couple of decades (he and my mom learned basic ASL when we found that my daughter was deaf), and my mother-in-law is HOH (no ASL). No genetic linkages there, despite the frequency in my little family.
Oh, my father has hearing problem since he was in his early 30s (right before my brother was born) and he refused hearing aids because they would not work good for him. His hearing problem is pretty complicated. I do not know if my father does count for deafness in the family. Disowned brother is 1/4 deaf. He is big denial about it..'cause his loyal "Mein Kampf" said so.