Deaf EMT


Sherlock Hound
Premium Member
Feb 24, 2004
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Deaf man became a state-certified EMT.

Deaf EMT 'better than some hearing staff' with Bethlehem ambulance company |

The ADA is a civil rights law enacted in 1990 that prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. In other words, EMS services are required to consider disabled applicants for employment if the candidate "with or without reasonable accommodations, can perform the essential functions of the employment position." The key phrases are "essential functions" or the job and "reasonable accommodations."

Association of Medical Professional with Hearing Losses (AMPHL)

Change ADA to allow deaf EMT employee?
Cool. They can have the kind of typing device for communicating between that and that. My bro in law often gets call by the special device without calling. I am sure there are many ways of communicating and it will work.

thats SO neat. I will show this link to my coworker who have husband who is EMT.
He would not have qualified to be an EMT in NY. NYS requires all EMT's to be able to verbally communicate with the patient and hospital (via radio) in English. :(
EMT person is hard to communication access to hearing person difficult cooperation... doesn't work. they difficult communication skill worth reason hard not easy! it is very not easy it is very difficult. doctor and nurse it is impossible! it is very rare. It is very interesting!
He would not have qualified to be an EMT in NY. NYS requires all EMT's to be able to verbally communicate with the patient and hospital (via radio) in English. :(
NY requires people to have a license in sanitary hygiene just to wipe their own a$$es. NY has to be the worst Nanny state in the nation now!!