and well...Corker's quote is more like a mockery on the hearing professionals' assumption that they require English in the hearing world, and that hearing what is going on is quite different from understanding word-forms, and as well as knowing what going on in the hearing soceity.
Another way of interpreting Corker's quote, is, this can provoke us to think about the deeper appreciation of Deaf culture, AND same time to begin to think about 'WHAT IS" Hearing culture?
-- my point is, for Deaf education could be vastly improved (and hearig culture awareness for hearing students) because we would be able to put hearing culture/ the how of the use of English are different for hearing and deaf people/kids/students.
This quote is very interesting, as it has a huge potential for it to be used as reference for deeper discussion, in fact, I believe there could be much deeper discussion than previously thought!
i like this line in particular; " first how much of hearing culture depends on hearing? – second – how much of hearing culture depends on language being word form? "
Deaf writer Mairian Corker which is highly thought provoking;
“I want to put the word “hearing” in front of culture. How much of what you have been putting into the outline of the [hearing culture] depends on the hearing, and, because culture is expressed through and shaped by language .... first how much of hearing culture depends on hearing? – second – how much of hearing culture depends on language being word form? “(Corker,1998 , p 45).