Deaf Culture observations - part deux: The hearing man or woman

I prefer ( being deaf myself ) to date other deaf people. I'm not completely opposed to dating a hearie.... but I'd prefer to be with a deaf person over a hearing person. They can relate you you and empathize more than a hearing person can. I am more tempted to date a hearing person if they're a CODA or something like that. ( my last ex was a CODA ) But those are really the only type of hearing people I'll date. :dunno:
Hmm, I think we're actually branching into a different topic. You're talking about relationships that have already been formed: who is more willing to accomodate. I'm talking about before a relationship even starts: who is more open to starting one with a deaf person?

It doesn't surprise me at all that hearing men are more likely to not learn ASL or accommodate their significant others, but that is unrelated to their willingness to even start the relationship. In fact, your observations kinda support my hypothesis. Hearing men will jump into the relationship with a deaf girl because they like the idea of being in control, being the protector, etc., but when it comes time to actually putting in the effort to communicate, that's where the scales of success shift to hearing women with deaf men.

Anyway, this is basically becoming part 2 of my old thread, so I'm going to stop there.

You are with a deaf woman!!!! You both are so happy together!!! :)