Whenever I am having a conversation with a deaf person in a hallway or in a public setting, It annoys me whenever a hearing person (I'm not saying all of these hearing people do this, but in general) walks up and sees us having a conversation and they would stop and wait for us to finish the conversation or they would "duck" down and walk so low in order to not to block our visuality. It always is a distraction for me because it will make the conversation go at a screeching halt.
Most of the time, I'm nice enough to say "It's ok, Go on and get through." If they were to walk right through without an interruption, it keeps the conversation at bay. With that, I do understand that most of them are not aware how distracting it can be for us deaf people.
When I am at a deaf event or in a setting where the majority of people are deaf, They usually would say "Excuse me" and walk just right through when the conversation takes place. I know it might seem rude to some of us but to me, it isn't entirely rude. If they were to stand between me and the person for a period of time, then yes, it would be rude in my opinion