Uh, ok. The idea here is speak normally to a deaf person. No silly, wide mouthed, fish gasping on the bank rendition of whatever needs saying.
I know what you mean. I have that happen to me a lot. I can recall one incident where I walked up to a window and said I was there to meet with someone. However the lady behind the window said something looking down, and I asked if she would look at me and speak to me because I am Deaf and I speech read.
She, while looking annoyed, over enunciated everything she repeated, her mouth widening even more with each word she spoke, all the while with this look of "Are you stupid or something?"
I had to stop her in mid sentence and tell her I am Deaf not Dumb.
She shut up then.
I have vertigo, which came with me being Deaf.

I understand what you mean. A lot of people ask me if I am drunk, to which I reply "No. I just have Vertigo"
As for the Don't and Do's
Don't come up to us and ask us if we know sign, if we say yes, please don't laugh and say I know one! Then flip the bird.
It just makes me want to smile and talk to you like a baby and say "Oh yay! That's funny right there!" NOT!
It seems like some hearies want to learn sign just for the bad words. Makes me feel that's all the effort you will do to get to know us then ditch us after you get what you want.
Do set some time to get to know us, we don't bite, it takes effort on the part of the Hearing and HoH or Deaf to have patience and know each other. We are human, we do bleed like everyone else.