Deaf Caution

Yea, it would be good if u carry one as i got emergencey for the deaf that i can use for text messagin and id card, but it only cover midland area in England!
Re: Re: Deaf Caution

Originally posted by kuifje75
You can get a free card from the NJ DDHH office, I think. It was in Monthly Communicator few months ago.
I must have missed that part. I'll check it out when I get a chance.
Ah, I need one! Ol'perv cops won't stop stalking me- once I have the card, and they dont provide the serivces I need, :twisted: I can SUE 'em for breakin' the law!
I don't think u should get it or u would get urself into pity exusce ... I wouldn't take it ... I rather to be equal with hearing ppl... once the police stop me then i just simple being cooperation with them... and i would make the card to tell them i am deaf that simple ... I hate that idea it make me feel 'PITY" i really don't feel comfort with that... but u choose the decision to take it or not... I have nothing against ur decision.
Originally posted by kevbo
What do you mean?

ok Deaf caution card can show hearing people save your neck for emergency, if you are very sick or hurt. you need an interpreter so you can show deaf caution card more fasteer and less worry to communcation with hearing people.
Originally posted by knightwolf68
I don't think u should get it or u would get urself into pity exusce ... I wouldn't take it ... I rather to be equal with hearing ppl... once the police stop me then i just simple being cooperation with them... and i would make the card to tell them i am deaf that simple ... I hate that idea it make me feel 'PITY" i really don't feel comfort with that... but u choose the decision to take it or not... I have nothing against ur decision.

I don't have this card, but I have had problems with police officers before who did not believe that I am deaf. They thought that I was trying to fake being deaf and give them hard time. So they started to get attitude and be rude to me. This card would be good to have to show them that I am deaf, and of course on the licence too.
Originally posted by Strawberry
Ah, I need one! Ol'perv cops won't stop stalking me- once I have the card, and they dont provide the serivces I need, :twisted: I can SUE 'em for breakin' the law!

Yeah sue and sue them. :twisted:
It'll be handy in some certain situations. It'd be worth it, that's what I think. But on the other hand, it does make you seem pathetic in a way. :dunno:
it's simple like muslim...since 9/11 muslim has some cards and show if police stop em for somethin like that.
On the card it just explains how to communicate with the deaf person, and if need more communication, how to get an interpreter. It's simple. It doesn't ask for pity or sympathy.

BTW, my family works in law enforcement, and they always worry about me. Sometimes if you move your hands or do something, police will get wrong idea and get gun on you. So, use that card, show that you are deaf.

I once was stopped by cop, who refused to take flashlight off my face. I said I can't read your lips, I am deaf. He refused to cooperate so I used sign language and voice at same time: "Look, make it clear for you, I am deaf, and I cannot read your lips if light is on my face. Please use paper and pen to write with me whatever you're saying." Finally he understood, and started to cooperate with me, writing back and forth with me. So, if the cop reads on that card saying that cannot read lips in flashlight, cop will get the idea.
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Also, MD residents can get free visor cards from their local police. Or check this link out:

Volkswagen also gives out free visor cards. I had one of their cards but lost it :(

Michigan residents can contact their Commission on Disability Concerns

Other states, contact your local offices of disability or police department to find out more about deaf visor cards.
No, since I use the Oral method of talking.......also I dont want to be a labeled as a deaf person, but it is up to each individual.......
I thought the DMV puts a code number for deafness on driver's licenses? Maybe not all states do... :dunno: