Deaf can do anything but hearing?

Texan Guy

Active Member
Aug 27, 2006
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Okay, I was trying to remember who said this quote, "deaf can do anything but hearing" but I forgot.

Deaf people can be the dancer instrutors (SP?), musicians, teachers, football or any sports players, doctors, lawyers, private license pilots, veterinaries, carpenters, government employers, artists, and more, right? problem...military.

Anyway, I, 99.9, disagree with this quote. I always wanting to join the United States Marine Corps or US military since I was born. I was born to be a warrior. But I found out that I can't join the military when I was in 5th grade that I can't join the United States military because I'm deaf with CIs. I'll never forget that day, it let me down really bad. But I joined NJROTC (Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps) for 4 years when I was in high school. I thought it can let me join the US military. But no way. I talked to the recruiters but no, there are no way for me to get in the military. I want to be an infantry, anyway.

So, that's why I, 99.9, disagree with this quote.

Care to discuss, gentlemen and ladies?
I.K.Jordan said "Deaf can do anything but hear" (hear not hearing)
I think IKJ was makingthe statement because you can do anything you want, you just cant hear. However, it is the hearing population that restricts you from joining the Navy/Army whatever.

Its not saying you couldnt be a Marine, you could do it if you tried. Its the restrictions that stop you from being a Marine.

Does that make sense?
I.K.Jordan said "Deaf can do anything but hear" (hear not hearing)

Ahh...I.K Jordan! Okay, my grammers can be suck sometimes. But thanks, Boult, anyway.

RDC_girl, yeah, it makes me sense. I'm just saying that I don't agree with that quote by I.K. Jordan. I want to do something violence like war against the enemy that trying to destroy United States of America or kill you or else.

I tried many many times. But they have enough power to hold me from joining the military. Not just Marine, but also soldier, sailor, airman are restrict me from joining them.

(There are 5 branches of service: Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard. :) ) Also, they're all forbidden for disability people to join them. Oh, boy. Some deaf people can be healthy like some hearing people do. They are sound like "nazi" to me. heh

I have found the list of deaf people that has seen the war from 1860's, American Civil War. Some of them are survive from the battlefield. Some don't. However, someone changed the rule for deaf and military.
nothing to do with grammar, just wanted to make sure that jordan's quote was accurate.
So would the converse be "hearing can do anything but be deaf?"
Well, the reason why they don't hire the deaf to military is because the deaf can't hear. There is many things that require hearing in military career, like radio, phone, etc. Even though you have a CI, they are still concern about it because you can't wear CI all the times you know..

It's not because of you can't hear, that is not the reason why military don't accept you, they want a PERFECT health people, can hear, can see, no body problems, not even diabetes. There is lot of things that military will not accept.

I felt really disappoiment when the military don't accept deaf, but I understand somehow. It's not because you are deaf, they just require you to hear that's all.
Yes I am agree that deaf can do anything but hear...

Yes I am agree with RDC_girl's comment.
Well, the reason why they don't hire the deaf to military is because the deaf can't hear. There is many things that require hearing in military career, like radio, phone, etc. Even though you have a CI, they are still concern about it because you can't wear CI all the times you know..

It's not because of you can't hear, that is not the reason why military don't accept you, they want a PERFECT health people, can hear, can see, no body problems, not even diabetes. There is lot of things that military will not accept.

I felt really disappoiment when the military don't accept deaf, but I understand somehow. It's not because you are deaf, they just require you to hear that's all.

Well, join the military is really dangerous but just feel like lost in land where war is goes on.
Well, I used to work for the Department of Defense as an office clerk. But I can understand why they wont let deaf join cuz it is require for them to hear, Not only that you have to have a person with you all the times but it would be hard to have a person with you all the times during the war. Also you depend on that person all the times and this person dont have time for you to hear for you. There is so much thing that it is need to hear.

Like you mention that there was deaf ppl who join the military back in the old days and after the war they realized what happened to them and decicded not to let deaf ppl to join. I know it is disappointment.
Interesting! I want a Horse Policewoman too but require hearing passing. :(

In USA don't allow deaf or any other physcial imperfect alike flat feet join army but in Isarel, they let deaf to be in army. I remember I met two Isarelis (mispelling), they both served their own country no problem. Supposedly they ran out of perfect healthy young men and women, what next they should allow us to join if we want to.

It goes same for spelling bee, I watched last night and I can not image how any deaf go to national spelling bee and can not hear what the judge say those long big words?
In USA don't allow deaf or any other physcial imperfect alike flat feet join army but in Isarel, they let deaf to be in army. I remember I met two Isarelis (mispelling), they both served their own country no problem. Supposedly they ran out of perfect healthy young men and women, what next they should allow us to join if we want to.

It goes same for spelling bee, I watched last night and I can not image how any deaf go to national spelling bee and can not hear what the judge say those long big words?

You are right... My son enlisted in Army... he passed pschical exams... and he had hearing test., barely passed... as i know he was born HOH... the doctor thought that loud music causing him temporarily HOH.... so he went to the boot camp at Ft Sill in Texas... he was there in training for about three weeks... found out he was born HOH and he also has flat feet... so he was medically discharged..
It broke my son's heart.. he want to stay in Army.. he thought he could fool people.. no way...
In USA don't allow deaf or any other physcial imperfect alike flat feet join army but in Isarel, they let deaf to be in army. I remember I met two Isarelis (mispelling), they both served their own country no problem. Supposedly they ran out of perfect healthy young men and women, what next they should allow us to join if we want to.

It goes same for spelling bee, I watched last night and I can not image how any deaf go to national spelling bee and can not hear what the judge say those long big words?

I had been in spelling bee in last 10 years ago but I failed.

They asked me to spell "be" in sign language then I just dunno but got kicked out.
ask Army to install CI with OS install in brain. OMG! you turn perfect solider machine.. or monster!
There are a lot of things that people THINK you can't do as a deaf or blind person. With enough training a blind person can do Almost anything except drive a car but I wouldn't drive anyway because I think it causes too much pollution. I certainly wouldn't want to join the army as I am totally against war.

Everyone has some limitations though. Not just disabled people. For example my friend who is not disabled is very limited in what he can do because he is looking after his elderly mother. He can't even stay away from the house for too long in case she has an accident.
So would the converse be "hearing can do anything but be deaf?"

That's an interesting question. On an identity level, yes. My son is Deaf, and although I have sought for the last 21 years to share that world with him, I do not now, nor have I ever lived in that world. I have developed an understanding from my long associations with Deaf people and their culture, but I only know what I have learned from them. I have no first hand experito be deaf.

On a more soio-political level, however, the hearing are not marginalized as the deaf are marginalized, and therefore, have opportunity that is denied to the deaf not because of their deafness, but because of the the hearing perception of what deafness is.

Good question! Made me think!
You are right... My son enlisted in Army... he passed pschical exams... and he had hearing test., barely passed... as i know he was born HOH... the doctor thought that loud music causing him temporarily HOH.... so he went to the boot camp at Ft Sill in Texas... he was there in training for about three weeks... found out he was born HOH and he also has flat feet... so he was medically discharged..
It broke my son's heart.. he want to stay in Army.. he thought he could fool people.. no way...

Oh, man, that's sucks. Sorry to hear that. My friend is a HOH. He's very smart. Smarter than me. He also wants to join the military. But no. Damn.

Interesting! I want a Horse Policewoman too but require hearing passing.

I just got email from a friend of mine in the police academy. I asked her to ask her instructor about deaf in the police force. Then she told me, if you pass all training tasks then you earn the badge. But it may be different from your state and my state. Not sure.

Well, I used to work for the Department of Defense as an office clerk. But I can understand why they wont let deaf join cuz it is require for them to hear, Not only that you have to have a person with you all the times but it would be hard to have a person with you all the times during the war. Also you depend on that person all the times and this person dont have time for you to hear for you. There is so much thing that it is need to hear.

Like you mention that there was deaf ppl who join the military back in the old days and after the war they realized what happened to them and decicded not to let deaf ppl to join. I know it is disappointment.

Yeah, it's sucks.

In USA don't allow deaf or any other physcial imperfect alike flat feet join army but in Isarel, they let deaf to be in army. I remember I met two Isarelis (mispelling), they both served their own country no problem. Supposedly they ran out of perfect healthy young men and women, what next they should allow us to join if we want to.

Can I join them? :D lol So, Israel is the only country that let deaf people to join their military?

ask Army to install CI with OS install in brain. OMG! you turn perfect solider machine.. or monster!

Sorry? What's OS?
Texan friend, don't feel so disappointed as many people still felt disappointed on their last minutes of life that it was too late for them to fulfill a few things they really wanted to do.

As a Vietnamese person, I believe in fate and believe there are some magical powers that can arrange what to come or not to come in my life. Anyway, I also believe that the truest belief is to keep trying what you want to do. The magical powers may not let you down one day.

I agree with the quote that deaf people can do many things like hearing people, even being a tour guide in which you need to "talk" a lot to tell stories.

Keep up with your dream and good luck.

You are right... My son enlisted in Army... he passed pschical exams... and he had hearing test., barely passed... as i know he was born HOH... the doctor thought that loud music causing him temporarily HOH.... so he went to the boot camp at Ft Sill in Texas... he was there in training for about three weeks... found out he was born HOH and he also has flat feet... so he was medically discharged..
It broke my son's heart.. he want to stay in Army.. he thought he could fool people.. no way...

Fort Sill is NOT in Texas, Fort Sill is in Oklahoma. I know because my ex was stationed there for a year. It is an artilllery training base for those who wish to work with artillery and do mostly infantryman duties.

I too wish I could join the military. If I was not HOH/deaf I would have joined the Air Force straight out of high school. My grandpa flew many missions in WWII and Korea. I wanted to be like him and serve my country and get the chance to fly an airplane.

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