Deaf boy hears new friends for first time

I just hate the way the medias, both in the newspaper and online, that they are trying to make us believe that there were miracles that deaf children or adults can hear the sounds and also to listen. This 3 years old child can listen like that (it was in the news). This take therapy for him to learn how to talk and to be able to listen if he could but I don't believe that 3 years old child can jump from being born deaf to suddenly understand what a person like his father said after the surgery from brain stem implant.

For me, over the years, the newspapers and the local news on T.V. including online are all going for lies and coverup. It has been going on for long time. Any companies (CI, BSI and even hearing aids) are trying to make hearing people believe there is a way to make a child hear like a hearing person. Not true. **shaking my head**

I am with Grummer. :(
What next" "seeing with our ears"? That would be "good news" for the blind. I guess.
What next" "seeing with our ears"? That would be "good news" for the blind. I guess.

For the blind, it is mostly for feeling like faces and objects. Usually hearing people can hear what is near or far. For Deafblind, feeling the faces and objects but need to use signs like tactile signs for communication.

The quote "seeing with our ears" does not make any sense if you were talking about CI or brain stem implant. The blinds had to suffered by the sight people who wanted them to see just like them to be normal or perfect. They have not learn how to accept us being the way we were. That is why we try to teach hearing people and for the blind to try to teach sight people that it is important to accept us being the way we are. Learn to live with us and learn how to sign ASL and to live with the Deafblind to communicate with tactile sign language.

Drphil, you are weird. **shaking my head** :roll:
For the blind, it is mostly for feeling like faces and objects. Usually hearing people can hear what is near or far. For Deafblind, feeling the faces and objects but need to use signs like tactile signs for communication.

The quote "seeing with our ears" does not make any sense if you were talking about CI or brain stem implant. The blinds had to suffered by the sight people who wanted them to see just like them to be normal or perfect. They have not learn how to accept us being the way we were. That is why we try to teach hearing people and for the blind to try to teach sight people that it is important to accept us being the way we are. Learn to live with us and learn how to sign ASL and to live with the Deafblind to communicate with tactile sign language.

Drphil, you are weird. **shaking my head** :roll:

No...Just an old person who lost his hearing as a result of age/disease etc.....
Most people who are dhh,or blind/low vision or wheelchair users are that way b/c they AQUIRRED their conditions in adulthood.......They see their conditions as impairments b/c they grew up hearing,sighted, walking normally.......They don't understand what its like to function alternatively.....
Grummer - by now if you have followed any of my stuff, you know I do not trust the government and the media (most of it) is owned by corps who own the media. So, hey, I get you. Despite my problems with my own CI (right now, I hate it), they can help given the right situation and at this moment, it isn't my situation. But let me sit with you for a moment together - we don't trust the media. They are biased, pro-corporation and pro-Washington (aka corporate America), and lie. Botts: I can be and am on your side as well. There's nothing wrong with posting info about anything out here from the media that is known to be biased (watch me ski down this hill), pro-corporation, and lies :) . We all deal with it.

Honestly, I rarely watch the "news" this days. The Washington Post is owned by Amazon. Buzzzzzz. The WSJ is garbage and owned by Murdoch. Shot through the heart. I do not know what the deal is for the NYT. So, I read, "The Onion," "The Huff," and "Democracy Now." I flip through the rest and really all of it in disbelief. Info is out there to create our reality but it isn't real. It makes sense if you think about it.

You read the Onion? That's satire.......
Re post #17- "hearing with our eyes".

As for being "old" 77 is still young..

As I understand the advertising matter of Cochlear Implants/Hearing aids are "marketed" to those with"loss" . "Normal hearing" would seem to negate the potential of CI /Hearing aids sales.
You read the Onion? That's satire.......
lol! Yes, it is satire. I worked in NYC for a number of years. That was pretty insane. The Onion was a lovely and hysterical break from reality but always based on it. Love a good laugh. It's sort of like Bill Maher's, "New Rules." He's the only reason we pay for HBO. He does bring in news not reported elsewhere except for Colbert, Chris Matthews (I cannot keep up with him and I don't like his "reporting and attack methods), and The Huffington Post.

-- Sheri
Generic Response

I understand why Grummer is so p.o.'d with CI information (or misinformation). But you don't have to read it. I'm actually on your side about hating all the mis-information about it. And here I go again ... like the cleansed hearing journey site. I get p.o.'d about that, too, but I'm not going to tell someone not to go there. They do so on their own accord and believe what they want. You have a choice not to read this stuff. It's up to us to decide whether to believe it or not. I tend not to and now and then when the mood hits me, I read it anyway. HOH-ME likes hearingjourney. I gave my facts about what happened to me. But if HOH enjoys the site, we cannot stop anyone from reading it. It makes HOH happy and I can't take that away - real or not real - from anyone.

Everyone on this thread has made valid comments and I'm in concurrence with all your observations. This sounds pretty lame but I really do. Grummer, you're not going to convince people to not believe this stuff pushed by the media anymore than I'm going to have an effect on telling people HJ is baloney. But you do have a right to state your feelings.

Ain't alldeaf just great? Really. So, the statements and attacks will continue. I'm just continuing to learn from all of this. (Hey, moderators here - sincere thanks for letting us be.)

-- Sheri