deaf baby hearing baby


found this the other day...

.. and???


Where does that happens?


In mid-2000's, the rise of baby sign languages and/or ASL (or another sign languages from another countries) websites because the creditable studies & researches displayed the best benefit for hearing babies. Baby sign languages and/or ASL for babies websites are now popular. Yet, deaf babies don't get that chance because they still think ASL or sign language will prevent speech & listen skills. They thought hearing babies will be fine with ASL or any sign language, but if those babies are deaf, ASL won't work at all.

But, it is not new. The language oppression is here for so long time, even since in the caveman age.
. Yet, deaf babies don't get that chance because they still think ASL or sign language will prevent speech & listen skills.

They do have a point, but this is horrible, and I am very against that.
This is NOT the way, period. This is STUPID.

It's like tying the legless baby's arms behind their back in order to make it walk.
Stupid stupid stupid.
There have to be another way.

I have a good question for everyone...

If hearing or deaf babies have no vocal cords or damaged vocal cords, which will people allow babies to use a sign language the most of time? That is what I wonder...

It happened to me, for one. I wasnt allowed exposure to ASL. I think you already knew that.

Not allowing kids or adults exposure to something new(new to them) is worse than is worse than being abused day in & day out for 15 years...Off hand I can not think of anything more barbaric than to deprive someone of true knowledge. Nobody, but nobody, should ever be banned from learning. If a retarded child can learn 3 or 4 different languages before the age of 12, why can't a deaf or hard of hearing child be exposed to ASL?
It is hypocritical to deny them.
wow... :jaw:

I didn't realize that... I thought we were embracing ourselves... our natural language... and becoming whole in who we are without the need for surgery... I would never consider a CI for myself... I don't like surgery... and I am perfectly happy being Deaf now... I have no problem with adults who choose to the a CI... i just don't like being told that I have to... My parents told me a few months ago that I should seriously consider it... I told them the only way I would get a CI is if I was dead... they didn't like that much... but are at least starting to understand who I am as a person.

Well Shel... I don't think you are denying yourself :hug:


It may not mean much of anything to you, but this old man is proud of you for standing up for yourself.
I have seen to many deaf cower to what others think & say to them & about them.

I know what a CI is, but my hearing is not "bad enough" to warrant the cost of that surgery...never mind the fact that I really do not think I would ever get it...I am the way God made me & that is how I shall stay.

BTW, I'm not trying to get anywhere, I'm just voicing my opinion.
You and Shel, you need to re-learn to read written English, period,
go back and re- read all my earlier posts from ever since.

I was ALWAYS for both ASL and speech, period!

Only your HATE blinded you to common sense and reason.


I believe that the hearies will never understand the deaf as long as they continue to push for "A better life through hearing"...

I'm NOT saying you have done this, I do not know you well enough to make that judgement. I am only saying that the hearing community in general, thinks that their way is the either the best way or the ONLY way to a better life...but the Question is, Better for who?

Just as there are many roads that will take you from New York City to Los Angeles California, there are many roads or paths to take to become a better person. I just think it's sad that most of the hearies don't get this, and probably never will. :(
I have a good question for everyone...

If hearing or deaf babies have no vocal cords or damaged vocal cords, which will people allow babies to use a sign language the most of time? That is what I wonder...

Society as a whole, is very hypocritical. This American society lives by a double standard...what's good for one, just HAS to be good for all or they get their bloomers in a knot & run around like a chicken with its head cut off.

The saddest part about this is, when it does not work for the deaf(and usually it doesn't), that person or that group is written off as a lost cause & shoved of the cliff so to speak.

I have seen this happen with mine own eyes, & it just breaks my heart. These same people who are supposed to be there to help you, will actually turn their back on you & refuse to help because(to them) you are a lost cause...But I say there is no such thing as a lost cause. Everyone has something to contribute to this American Society. Everyone.
I am pretty notice it sound serious on reading coments! It is very complication!
I believe that the hearies will never understand the deaf as long as they continue to push for "A better life through hearing"...

I am not a hearie, I am what is considered HoH living with hearies
but in reality I am deaf with HAs, is all.

I give you an example how I see CI -
suppose you - an English speaking American -were given an opportunity to learn Chinese and Spanish.

One would think living in USA, where English is predominant and legal language
both of these albeit useful, are not required nor necessary for you to learn
so why bother?

BUT they do are practical and often come handy, aren't' they?
So why not widen your horizons and work hard and learn both of these-
who knows what the benefits could be. maybe you'll get a better job opportunities, maybe just a great Chinese and Spanish friends,
maybe you will just have an immense pleasure from reading literature in the original text.

For sure you'll have easier time communicating while travelling to China and Spanish speaking countries than these who don't know these languages.

Possibilities are limitless. plus, you'll always be tickled pink with yourself
for knowing you are smart for knowing two foreign languages :)

I however do have to admit, learning foreign languages is not exactly the same
as surgery, so the CI can not be taken lightly.
It does have to be well deliberated before making a decision,
HOWEVER, my point about CI is to not treat it as some political declaration
but simply to use it as a TOOL. A helpful hearing tool.

Now, some people say "we can have HAs or CI but we just don't feel the need for it".
Well I can understand that, as I had a brother who was like that- he refused to wear his HAs,
except that I am afraid you can't appreciate something you don't understand.
If you don't understand sound clearly, you don't feel the need for it nor you miss it, it's as simple as that.

I was fortunate in this aspect that I was losing my hearing slowly over the years, so I experienced speech, music to the point I used to recognize languages on radio, whose voice belongs to who presently perform on the radio, and could recognize lots of lyric's words.

I know how nice it is, and what I am missing, - not that I despair over it because I don't. It was great but oh well. I moved on.

It's just if you don't know what you are missing, you are dis-missing it way too easy. So, okay, you've made your choice, but please, do not deprive your babies of this wonderful choice.
And you do, if you say "let them choose".
If it only was so easy. But it is not. And please remember -ASL and speech - always!

OK, I'll stick with what I think of you........


Just don't say in future "I didn't know", "how come you've changed your opinion all of a sudden" and most of all -
- don't you dare accuse me of being something I am not
while it is YOU who is unwilling to check your facts,
if you were even right in the first place.

Do you know what is a person who repeats untrue, unchecked things about other person?


You and Shel, you need to re-learn to read written English, period,
go back and re- read all my earlier posts from ever since.

I was ALWAYS for both ASL and speech, period!

Only your HATE blinded you to common sense and reason.


Again, maybe if your dislike toward me weren't derailing you so much,
you'd clearly see, I was just saying a CI being just a TOOL
that would enable you to HEAR better, is all.

So, by denying yourself an opportunity to have CI you deny yourself an opportunity to hear better and perhaps improving your speech, too,
is all. no need to look beyond that.

It is not like I am saying you deny yourself being a better deaf person
or deny a better life- - it is NOT.
(however from PRACTICAL pov having or not CI this could be disputable, like simply choosing to wearing glasses or not -something like that)

I however accept and appreciate your apology and hope maybe our relationship CAN improve from here on?

I am certainly willing and hoping


Not allowing kids or adults exposure to something new(new to them) is worse than is worse than being abused day in & day out for 15 years...Off hand I can not think of anything more barbaric than to deprive someone of true knowledge. Nobody, but nobody, should ever be banned from learning. If a retarded child can learn 3 or 4 different languages before the age of 12, why can't a deaf or hard of hearing child be exposed to ASL?
It is hypocritical to deny them.

Because the medical community told my mom that in order for me to live a normal life, do not expose me to ASL.

Just don't say in future "I didn't know", "how come you've changed your opinion all of a sudden" and most of all -
- don't you dare accuse me of being something I am not
while it is YOU who is unwilling to check your facts,
if you were even right in the first place.

Do you know what is a person who repeats untrue, unchecked things about other person?



Because the medical community told my mom that in order for me to live a normal life, do not expose me to ASL.

And I always said and say it was very wrong thing to do.

Ok, we all get your point by now. You're for both CIs and ASL. Let's move on.

I appreciate your support, DeafCaroline, Thanks.

Only, the thing is - you don't have to tell that to ME- please tell it to the people
who by keeping to attack me personally, keep going at it.

I understand feeling honest my opinion complication tell you 100 percent i figure out think myself I remember on my counselor courage to Deaf because prove on hearing don't understand
my opinion!