"Deaf Culture" is something that's not really a culture of its own. What I would really call it is "GLBT Deaf Culture", "Asian Deaf Culture", "Hispanic Deaf Culture", "Rochester Deaf Culture", "Texas Deaf Culture", "DEAF Culture", "Deaf Deaf Culture", etc... it goes on and on.
I've seen people from one group who claim to be part of "Deaf Culture" (in Rochester, NY) have conflicting attitudes with people from another group who claim to be part of "Deaf Culture" (in Dallas, TX).
I've gone to Starbucks for Deaf Chat Coffee and seen people who claim to be part of "Deaf Culture" (they're middle-eastern), but their views conflict those who claim to be part of "Deaf Culture" (they're from Dallas, TX and not middle-eastern).
So, who is really part of Deaf Culture? My best advice is to just stick with those you're comfortable with. If you attend a deaf event and come across a group of deafies who start acting selfish because they don't think you can be part of that group, then don't bother trying. Just move on and look for a different group. It's more fun to be with people that you're comfortable with than to try so hard just to be with someone whose attitude isn't the same as yours.