She didn't actually "say"...fix it...but she just pointed to her ear with that gadget in it and said...go to Walgreens....or get it at if she thought it helped her, then it should help me?....Ahhh, I'm profound deaf and no HA will help and not qualified for a CI.....Has been that way a very long, long time...sooo, seems I've seen it all and that's why I say..."ain't got time for that!"....So tired of explaining and explaining....and then again the "I'm so sorry!"...LOL...Depending upon my mood...I can say "for what"> ….or "damn right you're Sorry!"...LOL...My speech is still intact, so guessing people do "assume" that if you can speak, then again you're not deaf...a Merry-go-Round...over and over...."I'm deaf in this ear"..."can you read Lips?"...and the most dreaded question? …"What happened?"...Some times it's best to just walk off and be rude about it..