Hi! I just wondered if any of you became deaf after you have been a hearing or hard of hearing person, how do you cope? I have been deaf since 2004 due to a condition called Menieres. I talk, read lips, I dont sign because I was told if I relied on sign language most of the time I could lose my voice so I dont sign but I can sign once in awhile if I am around people who do. I just cannot sign all the time just for myself so I can keep my voice. Like most people I have days where I am just sad or down which is understandable and a way of accepting it and coping with it. I also realize I have alot to be grateful for. It isnt all the time so I dont need anti depressants or anything. I find hearing people just dont understand, they try to sympathize and empathize but they really just dont truly understand. That is why sites like this are so important. I am so glad I found this place. So to make a long story short, I just wondered how you cope when you have a day where it gets to you. I probably am too hard on myself, everyone says I dont give myself enough credit. Guess I just needed to get this off my mind. Thanks for reading and I appreciate any replies. Take care! (((hugs)))