I have played on it... That was very fun and some scary scenes! =D You should try play on it if you liked Doom series, Resident Evil series, and other horror games. It may be similiar like those games, but it has upgrades, armors, weapons, some melee skills like stomp or dropkick, and more! Btw E3 chose this game for one of winners. (I dunno if those voices and any sounds are good or not -- I'm deaf, but my friend said most good voices and others.)
PS: They're not zombine... They are something, well I wouldn't spoiler you guys. >_> It surpised me a lil bit when I found out what the hell are those monsters.
Aaaaaand, the last boss battle was way better than any last boss in any horror game. It will make you to go like "Ohhh shiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!"