Dead Or Alive Online-wtf???

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Dead Or Alive Online-hmmm looks good

Tecmo and Team Ninja announced that another Dead or alive game is in the works, but only for online currency...They said this game will have the orginal DOA version from Sega Saturn (why not Playstation?) and also, DOA 2 with superb graphics and all that, proably a remake, will be coming to Xbox sometime but the release date is unknown.

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May i give you some leg massage, Lei Fang? ........please? :mrgreen:


Nice outfit Kasumi ;)


What a beauiful sunset...but nothing is more beauiful than you ;)


since when did I see you in that tank shirt...? *growls*



It seems that DOA online has included some new costumes and levels in that game so i don't think it would hurt to play that game even offline :thumb:
Maybe there'll be some new nude codes for this game! :p

It would be bad if I was winning then it gets laggy..then I get whupped. :(
Originally posted by SilenceGold
Maybe there'll be some new nude codes for this game! :p

It would be bad if I was winning then it gets laggy..then I get whupped. :(
i heard there was a nudity code for DOA:Xtreme beach volleyball and i tried every possible way to get it, but it seems that they pulled a dirty trick on me...even though they put in "nudity" in the M-rated despristion...i think it was still a joke anyway :roll:
I've really never played DoA games.

I read it somewhere in a magizine somewhere.
NEVER!?!?!??! Dude, it is TRULY one of the most entertaining and best fighting games out there since the orginal on was really good. tons of different kinds of evironments, types of fightings including tai boxing, wrestling, and kung fu...and even a load of hot chicks in the trunk! Just what a guy like me need in years! :mrgreen: Can't wait for DOA 4...even though Lisa from DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball is coming back in DOA 4 :D
Originally posted by Steel
Dude, it is TRULY one of the most entertaining and best fighting games out there since the orginal on Playstation...

:eek: You gotta fucking kidding me.
Originally posted by Steel
NEVER!?!?!??! Dude, it is TRULY one of the most entertaining and best fighting games out there since the orginal on was really good. tons of different kinds of evironments, types of fightings including tai boxing, wrestling, and kung fu...and even a load of hot chicks in the trunk! Just what a guy like me need in years! :mrgreen: Can't wait for DOA 4...even though Lisa from DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball is coming back in DOA 4 :D

Nah...I only like games that requires skills...not pure luck.

I actually played one of the DOA games only few rounds. Never liked pounding same buttons over and over.

The ones that requires skill is like Killer Instinct's combo moves. You have to be great enough to break my combos. :p
Originally posted by Steel
and Mortal Kombat too of course...

Only the 3rd version. But it's hard to do a long type of combo and combo breakers were not possible.
no offense, but mortal kombat triogly sucked...

MK 4 was kinda better, but i haven't played the deadly alliance yet
Originally posted by Steel
no offense, but mortal kombat triogly sucked...

MK 4 was kinda better, but i haven't played the deadly alliance yet

I haven't played MK 4.

All the other games started to suck....since they rely on luck to win. :(

DOA Online is expected to hit stores this fall so I think I am going to get that since I never owned the orginal DOA, and of course, the DOA 2 on the Dreamcast, but DOA 2 on PS2 has more features, including more levels and an hidden character so I hope to get with the orginal DOA and DOA 2 on the Xbox version. :thumb:

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