Read your contract about how the money is refunded if you leave after paying for their time. If you post it to your facebook page they may refund it anyway.
And you're right, there are a bunch of red flags besides the woman being asleep. You were able to walk into the facility and walk around and get to the kids without anyone noticing, if I understand correctly. You did not do that, but you had the ability to. Then the woman let you wander around alone in the facility. Every day care that I have been in to recently has the doors locked to people trying to come in, in some way. Some have a doorbell and someone comes to the door, others have a code the parents punch in, some have a double door system where you come in the first store and then you have a locked door to get through (usually you press a bell and someone comes to that door to open it), and there is always someone there when you get through the doors. You're never allowed through unattended. They don't care when you drop in and if you come at random, and you're allowed to look around, but you can't walk around by yourself if you're a stranger because that's a risk to the kids.
Also, there are state mandated ratios of people to kids. It looked like that room had only one adult and a bunch of kids, more kids than the state ratio. Check the ratios for your state and the age of the kids (the younger the kids, the more adults are needed) and bring that up as a reason they should refund your money as well as all the other safety guidelines they were breaking.