Daycare Centers....


♥"Concrete Angel"♥
Premium Member
Nov 28, 2003
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I'm curious to hear some feedback on ' DayCare Centers'.....

Will you place your children in a daycare center even not knowing what they may be doing to your children while you are at work?....Or did you have any bad experiences? If so, please do share them with us!.....
Oh my dear, again interesting thread!!! :P

Interesting question: I´ll be back soon.

***still busying to rid of many emails lol*** :P
^Angel^ said:
I'm curious to hear some feedback on ' DayCare Centers'.....

Will you place your children in a daycare center even not knowing what they may be doing to your children while you are at work?....Or did you have any bad experiences? If so, please do share them with us!.....
This is just my personal opinion, and it is from many years ago.
My daughter was in day care for the first four years of her life while I was working. It was not a bad day care. The people were very nice, and she seemed to enjoy it. But now I really regret it. I missed out on so much of her childhood. I didn't enjoy all the little daily things that a baby and small child does. If I could live those years over again, I would not want to do things the same way. She grew up too fast, and I missed many precious minutes with her. :tears:

I believe (my personal opinion) that parents should be the role models and teachers for their young children. No matter how wonderful a day care is, it is not mommy. The workers may be sweet and loving, but they have to share their attention with a bunch of kids. Each kid needs a mommy for full attention. No one loves your child as much as you do.

That is just my opinion, based on my experience.
Day care may be a good thing for the kids to socialise with other kids. Now at this time, not many neighbours are getting together. Some neighbours remain strangers, and sometimes have no outlet for their children to socialise with other kids. Day care can be a good start.

It would be wise when checking up on daycares to talk with other people about their opinions regarding the daycare and so on.

I agree that parents should be the primary role model to teach everything.
While I agree that day care is a necessary evil for some parents who are returning to work full time and have children that are not yet of age to be placed into the public school, I do have my concerns.

Booted up AIM this morning and saw something about a day care death - a child was killed and I'm not too sure how. If someone can find the link, then I'll be grateful.

I'm just antsy about the whole concept. We, the parents, have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. I worry, naturally. I don't think anyone is capable of watching my kids and caring for them the way I do. There really isn't a mother out there who thinks otherwise, IMO.

Personally, I'll stay home before I put my kid in a day care. I feel better that way, and it gives me more peace of mind... :::shrug:::
Malfoyish said:
I'm just antsy about the whole concept. We, the parents, have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. I worry, naturally. I don't think anyone is capable of watching my kids and caring for them the way I do. There really isn't a mother out there who thinks otherwise, IMO.

Personally, I'll stay home before I put my kid in a day care. I feel better that way, and it gives me more peace of mind... :::shrug:::

I absolutely agree with everything you stated above Mayfoyishtootsie! :)

I prefer to work part of time until my youngest one goes to school than putting them in a daycare center that I have no clue whether they are well taken care that's another reason why I'm home with my children for now....Roadrunner took great care of them while I was on the road for the rib cook-off tour.... :)
I have been through this agony of finding that daycare who I could trust with my daughters. I spent countless hours researching and asking hard questions before finding this perfect one.

But in the past 2 years, I have been fortunate because my ex husband's wife has been watching my girls for me after school on my weeks with the girls. If it was not for her, I would have been worrying so much. She helps take the girls to their lessons/practices and make sure that they do homework, etc before I pick them up after work.

My ex has never charged me a dime for this so I am eternally grateful to him for allowing me to have a peace of mind.
Malfoyish said:
While I agree that day care is a necessary evil for some parents who are returning to work full time and have children that are not yet of age to be placed into the public school, I do have my concerns.

Booted up AIM this morning and saw something about a day care death - a child was killed and I'm not too sure how. If someone can find the link, then I'll be grateful.

I'm just antsy about the whole concept. We, the parents, have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. I worry, naturally. I don't think anyone is capable of watching my kids and caring for them the way I do. There really isn't a mother out there who thinks otherwise, IMO.

Personally, I'll stay home before I put my kid in a day care. I feel better that way, and it gives me more peace of mind... :::shrug:::


Not sure I can get you the link, but I know the story you are talking about. I believe it happened here in my state (I'd have to check), but a guy went into a day care center and shot three people. One of them was a three year old little girl. I'll do research, and send you the link through email.
Malfoyish said:
While I agree that day care is a necessary evil for some parents who are returning to work full time and have children that are not yet of age to be placed into the public school, I do have my concerns.

Booted up AIM this morning and saw something about a day care death - a child was killed and I'm not too sure how. If someone can find the link, then I'll be grateful.

I'm just antsy about the whole concept. We, the parents, have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. I worry, naturally. I don't think anyone is capable of watching my kids and caring for them the way I do. There really isn't a mother out there who thinks otherwise, IMO.

Personally, I'll stay home before I put my kid in a day care. I feel better that way, and it gives me more peace of mind... :::shrug:::

The three-year-old was my mother's friend's granddaughter.

I think it's best to take a young child into a place, like a home daycare center instead of some buidling on the street, where you've known the person for some time, and you trust that your child is safe with them. I do not recommend daycare centers, but that is your decision, do this things listed: You should be suspicious if you have second thoughts; go over their policies with the daycare centers, make sure they are flexible with your hours, what kind of activities they provide (if you'll be out for some time), what kind of nutrition is given to the kids, etcera.

And most important - make sure your child is okay with the daycare center, and the people, regardless of any age, familiar with the locations and the area of the center.
That's sad about the shooting death at the day care.

Although I don't have any children, therefore, no experience in putting kids in day care centres -- I still have my opinions on placing kids in day care. I just believe it's best to stay home with our children for the duration of their first 5 years of life until they're of age to start attending public school. The first 5 years, I believe, is the most important part to be a part of with the child.
I first saw this on my aims 'news' and then seen it on the television news...this is sooo outrageously sad and it's a crying shame to see such a crime taking place in a children's daycare...and the shooter/killer is still at-large and haven't been yet caught, hopefully VERY VERY soon, justice will be served once this man is apprehended! Also, I feel that either all or some of the daycare workers are 'heros' for they used their own bodies to protect the other children by shielding them from the sure breaks my heart to learn that this little girl died from her traumatic injuries inflicted by this madman's bullet in the head! I'm umm...speechless and my thoughts and prayers goes out to all those affected by this....

As for the topic of this thread....quite a few years ago...(16-18 yrs. ago), I had enrolled my oldest daughter in a daycare where I found it to meet my own criteria and demands for caring my daughter after searching high and low everywhere for a does seem like over the years, time and society has change on how we look at daycares...especially when certain daycares have made 'headlines', etc...I sure wouldn't quite be as comfortable enrolling a child in a daycare nowadays and allowing a child to stay at home or in school would be the best interest for myself and the child...if it must be whereas a child care is needed...then seeking out family members or trustworthy friends could be the ideal step to take rather sending a child to a daycare.... ;)
So far, I haven't really had any problems with day cares. As for the shooting, I wouldn't panic. Sure, it's possible... but just because it happened at one place doesn't mean I should go running for my life, grabbing my kids, and keeping them hidden some place. I've got a life, a job, etc... to deal with. I could take my kid to my parents. Uh oh! Some guy is pissed off at this jogger who jogs around my neighborhood so he decides to do a drive-by shooting. In the process, a stray bullet goes through the window and kills my kid. Dammit! I think I'll let my friend take care of my kids. Oh shit! My friend's wife is suffering post-partum and decided to drown her kids along with my kids! It was totally unexpected! What am I do to!?

Well, life is life... death is death. We can't be running for our lives because of what happened far away from one strange insane man.

It doesn't apply only about the shooting, there are tons of cases of child abuse, etc in a daycare and that is another reason why parents today are having fears of taking their children to a daycare while they are at work.....So, it's not about one daycare center....just thought I would add this along the line... :thumb:
Well...I was in a Jack and Jill daycare center ...ages ago, when dinosaurs still roamed the earth...and you know, some still do!

I never had any trouble, just hated mother was a single parent for many years, and oftentimes I had to stay at one when school was not in session. In fact, I preferred it to the babysitter I had...yes, a babysitter. I was abused by her, her husband, and her daughter. I hated going there after school, often cried after I finally got picked up by my mother, but couldn't tell her took me many years to finally tell her what happened. Luckily for us, the statue of limitations had not yet expired!!!

So, it DOES NOT MATTER if it's a commercial daycare center, an at-home daycare center or a babysitter...ALWAYS try to find out the repuation of the one you are considering, perferably from other parents and the Better Business Bureau.
Daycare Centers

Hi I am a new member. I currently work at a wonderful day care center and have a infant room. My partner and I have seven infants who range from 3 to 10 months in our room. One thing I want to make clear, we do not try to take the Mother's place. Sue and I try to make the mom's part of our care.
We are always open to phone calls,and our center has video montering, where Mom and dad can always view the baby during the day. Our director also has viewing options any time without our knowedge. That is fine with me as I enjoy working with my tiny charges and want what is best for them.
At present we have two breast fed babies, one who's mom comes and feeds him any time that she feels he needs to be fed. The other one has breast milk in bottles, but she does try to visit at least three times a day. She is a Doctor. I am happy to honestly say that all of our parents enjoy our open door policy. Our babies enjoy their moms and get the benefit of a partnership for their well being. I have worked at four centers, and have twenty years of working with babies and this center is the best one I have ever seen.
do i trust daycare centers handling my boys? NO i have a 7 year old autsic/deaf son and a 5 year old adhd/deaf son.. i know they will be havin plms with them.. i rather family member or Respicare to keep them bec they are trained in that stuffs
I remembered when I was a kid and did went to day care part time to give my adopted mom a break. I don't remember if I did hated it or loved it.

As for my own kids, no. I am stay home mom and I take care of my son. But I did send him to Pre-school and he did very well and now he is doing great in Kindergarten. SO I was grateful that I did sent him to pre-school part time. I did not missed out anything. :)

Now I miss my baby!
I have to say I was lucky growing up. My Mother stayed home with my sister and I until I was in Jr High School, I believe. When we were little, Mom was there. She was there to put us on the school bus, and greet us when we got home from school.

Nowadays, it's a necessary evil to put kids in daycare. Both my niece and nephew were in day care from infancy. My nephew started when he was 9 mos old, and my niece was in day care at 6wks of age. My parents did fill in whenever possible, but for the most part they went to daycare. Thankfully, I live in a small community where everyone pretty much knows everyone else. We got good referrals and the children did fine.

There was one incident when my niece was under a year old, though. She has a metabolic disorder, and has to be on a special diet. The daycare provider felt sorry for her, so she fed Melanie foods she shouldn't have. Thankfully, it didn't cause harm, and the kids were removed from that provider when the situation was discovered. Overall, our experiences have been positive, but I agree with Reba.

When it comes to caring for little ones, the best caregiver is Mommy herself. It's a shame that's rare nowadays.
wow, I forget to answer my post on this thread at 2 years ago until today... Occchhh!

Day care may be a good thing for the kids to socialise with other kids. Now at this time, not many neighbours are getting together. Some neighbours remain strangers, and sometimes have no outlet for their children to socialise with other kids. Day care can be a good start.

It would be wise when checking up on daycares to talk with other people about their opinions regarding the daycare and so on.

I agree that parents should be the primary role model to teach everything.


Every children starts on their first kindergarten aged 3... I beleive it's important for my children to learn how to socialise with other children... Therer're alway solution when the problems come then solved and done... My both children started at their first kindergarten when they were 3 years old and stay there until they start their first school aged 6.

Every children starts on their first kindergarten aged 3...

Not in the United States. Kindergarten begins at age 5 years. Preschool for younger children is optional, not required.