My 2 cents, not knowing the cause of your loss, get something that has power head room, because you dont know how fast it will go. I lost my hearing in my left ear first, I have no idea how fast it progressed because I could still hear with my right. But when my right started to go, it was like Botts said, in a hurry. I never had an ITE, I went from normal hearing to severe in that ear in less than a year. I went through the VR to get aids. It's a long story but I didn't get them for another 8 months after that visit and by the time I got them the only way I could hear speech was if someone talked right into my ear. Less than year, probably more like 6 months! I got analog BTE for both ears, this must have in 2001. Those lasted me for the next 7 years?? something like that. I moved and went through the VR again to help me go back to school, they didn't end up paying for any of that but they did get me a new aid. I had more loss in my left ear and the audi recommended I not wear an aid in it, because the force of the sound waves slamming into my ear drum would make me dizzy. So we got a new digital for right ear, that lasted less 4, really I should have gotten a new one after 2 or 3 years. I had gone in to get a test, because I thought I lost more but the audi just tweaked my aid and told me that since my hearing had been stable for the last few years that I was probably done losing my hearing. He was wrong, I lost more, and probably had at that point already. I went in last January for a test, because I positive I'd lost more, and yep, profound loss in my right ear, profound to no response in my left, and had to get new aids. Got 2 this time, now I'm in Naida UP's.
I think it went in waves, it'd be stable for awhile and then I'd have period of loss. My ears make noises, all the time, but mostly it's a wooshy sound, like if you hold a conch shell up to your ear, that's constant, and I've been listening to that for like 18 years. But a ring sometimes too, but every now and then it will, I don't almost squeal, really loud for at least a minute.....I sometimes wonder if that noise is my hearing going. I told someone at the specialist office in Boston about that and she said, oh it probably is doing that all the time and you don't notice, but f it gets quite all of a sudden you notice. No! Why do people think they know what's going on in your ears? What you're hearing? I stg none of these audi's ever freaking listen to me. asshats