Yes, but rolling, nobody is arguing for no amplfication. We're very pro HA, and even pro CI if needed. ... It's clear she has some hearing that could be amplfied.....the way we're arguing is BOTH.....speech, HA/CI (if needed) and ASL/Deaf ed.
That's EXACTLY how we realized our son is deaf!!! :roll:
He still does that, but he does use his voice a lot to giggle, scream and so on. If he wants to, he's able to imitate a vocalization from another person (singing, for example) and is often in the right tune, too, but no way to put voice in his words... The two abilities (voice and articulation) just progressed separately. I think this is because he is very profound, but there are profound kids that learn to voice out some words, even without aids! Our son did that too a couple of times when he was younger, then lost this ability. I think in very small kids voice can come out "automatically", then they can loose it because they get no feedback on it.
But you know, the hard work for a hearing parent is to accept that you can indeed live and be happy without hearing. That our pain and struggle is not necessarily the one our babies will go through. It's ours...
This is the thing I still find harder to remember and cope with. The harder work is on yourself, not on the baby. Your baby will be FINE - whatever she'll hear!
If you cared to read carefully, I was speaking from my birth on. In which case the term H.I. (hearing instrument) is correct because there was not, at that time, a lot of knowledge about hearing instruments as far as how useful and beneficial to the child these H.I. could be.
Nevertheless, my point is children without any H.I. to save/keep that hearing level they are born with will lose it.
True but ASL, DeafED., etc. cannot save residue hearing. Only a H.I. can do that, so my point remains the same......get some type of H.I. on the child asap and leave it there until adulthood then the child can decide where to go from there.
I am not an audi, but there are still a lot of severe-profounder kids who get a lot of benifit from HAs. I actually have a 70 dcb loss myself. It's good she has some speech already. ...Actually wouldn't that be a sign that she would respond to aiding?
I would contact your state's Deaf School...Deaf Schools tend to have AWESOME AWESOME early intervention and early childhood programs. I don't want to appear biased or anything....but I do strongly feel that dhh kids have the right to be bilingal in both speech and sign. It can be done....That way she can function both with and without her hearing aid or CI.
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I thought it was a fake. No one would get a CI recommendation in a case like that immediately.
I have a question: parents of babies implanted with CIs say it's because they want to maximise the use of the auditory nerve. Hearing aids don't stimulate the auditory nerve?
I think they do if there is enough residual hearing to use them (like for me - I'm assuming my auditory nerve is getting stimulated), but if the baby is born with very little or no functioning cochlea, then obviously the HAs would not make any difference.
If they don't have a cochlea the CI won't work.