Right on, BearBeauty. I have great respect for parents who put their children first before relationships.I'm dating a single father, and I don't have a problem with it myself. the only thing to remember is that plans will be canceled or postponed because of the kids and you can't get upset or jealous.
I don't see any problem about dating with other single parent, but as for me, no thank you. I don't want any children even any child that are reproduced by me.
Why not? U dont like kids?
Well.. I do like kids yes, but I don't want them to trap my life you know.. Like what if I am love with other same sex, but I can't because of kids, or what if I want to put the tattoo on my body, then I will have bad influence on kids, or something like that.. Or maybe it is just me that I am not ready for kids?
I cant answer that for u..only u can answer that for yourself about being ready for kids but from memory, I recall that u are about 19 years old. Of course, u are more likely not interested nor ready for kids. I wasnt at that age. Ha!
As for tattoos..I have one and I got it after my daughter was born. No bad influence on the kids. When I got my teaching job and I wanted to wear capris, I did check with my boss about my ankle tattoo to make sure it was appropriate..he said it was fine as long as there was nothing offensive. I think more people are open minded about tatoos so if u want a tatoo and kids later, go for it!