Dating Cycle

Dating isn't the solution.. Let life be on its own.. Love is not for sale :)
Vampy some how don't know how that gave me this big relief I guess maybe i will go on this date what could it hurt it's one date and if the date doesn't work out than it was a good night with a good friend

That's what the first date usually is for.

While we meet others on random occasions, it doesn't always reveal much until we're both alone in a setting that makes both of us very comfortable and private... such as dinner.

From there, more is revealed. That's how we can make better decisions. :thumb:
I'll tell you one thing, Relationship sucks it seems like every guy has something to say that sweep you off your feet and then a week or two or a month later they turn into someone totally the opposite as what you thought he'll be. I'm not that desperate in dating or going in another relationship, I've had enough with guys who say one thing and say another, so screw the dating department I'm better off being single it's much safer that way take my word for it. :thumb:

Not always true! I mean its pointless to generalize so much because not all guys are like that. Yes, the girl also needs to be sensible enough in her choices. If a guy can sweep a girl off her feet, the girl should use her senses enough to know whether the guy has crossed the limits or not (whether to trust the guy so soon or not)! Many times, I have seen girls using their heart too much and thinking of love too soon. Sometimes, we need to use our brains more often!

One more thing - love doesn't come true when you say it by words. If you want true love, you have to let it grow like a tree over time, and it comes only when there is strong trust between 2 people. Definitely difficult to trust so soon, but you need time and patience to make it work.
In my case I'm pretty much what cheri claims EXCEPT the last part. I'm always the same its just sometimes the chicks get bored and want 'shiny new' and dump me :P dating 16-20-ish =most likely never going to last. 21-23=possibly serious 25+ almost always serious unless they're a bleedin swinger.
Wow where have i been. It was the dating cycle of abusive guys that was bad but i think i finally broke out of it the guy i was talking about going out on the date with we've hung out about 5-6 times now. Usually he just picks me up from school just to drive me home or to take me to physical rehab. That's all he wants is to hang out and just talk and i love it. He doesn't expect me to do the things that other guys did i feel like there is this big brick off my shoulders for that. We're considering becoming an "item" persay, but we've really been doing alot of talking about is the other one really going to stick by what they say and make the effort. Both of us are really scared of getting hurt. He's also been in a really bad controling relationship where the girl did nothing but expect him with her 24/7 the man has a life. And that's one thing that has been nice we both realize that that we have lives that sometimes come first and where we might not be able to see each other every day the times we do we will make the most out of and cherish them. so the discussion i think will soon come to and end and a descision will be made probally with in the next week. It's just really nice to be able to have him also want to take it this slow. it's really been nice. Even my parents love this guy lol even though he is 4 years older than me which is amazing for them