Dark Story Question

What's your strong interest in?

  • Werewolves only.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Witches only.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Witch/Werewolf pairing (or clashing)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I got it. Thanks!

I cant wait to read yours! :D :D

Grrrr...two more days to post my stories. They said I had to wait two more days. You and Elwood123 were able to do right away bec you both live somewhere out west. I am in the East coast.

Ever think of Ghosts and Witch pairings? I have written 3 books quite like ghosts and the witch pairing in some sort.

Have you read the Cell from Stephen King. I read the first two chapters then my brother took it and he is reading it. Mann, you got to read Ghost Stories of Bucks County...tell you why later...
Yea, it was my first story.. At least the first one I still have a copy of. A ghost/witch pairing sounds interesting. Can't wait to read it. Cell was a great book. Read it sometime about 2 years ago.
Yea, it was my first story.. At least the first one I still have a copy of. A ghost/witch pairing sounds interesting. Can't wait to read it. Cell was a great book. Read it sometime about 2 years ago.

Keep on writing. I wonder what is next, lol...I hate it when it is cut off and wonder what happens next.

I like things like evil reverend and witch stuffs. (good and bad of course) I add a deaf character in my second novel SMILE...you ever read The Stand? Well, I thought Stephen King did good, but I can do better than him to create a deaf character because I knew how to create one from my experience. I also add weird things to my second book that no one can image or thought of writing like one. I can't tell you. You got to read the first one. heh heh
Yea, I read the stand. I thought it was pretty good. Didn't like the movie though. Can't wait to read the novels in two days.
Yea, I read the stand. I thought it was pretty good. Didn't like the movie though. Can't wait to read the novels in two days.

I agree. The book is better than the movie and it was hard to put down. The last time I finished reading it was the morning (5 am) before the Sept 11th attack. Scary huh? Beside Nick, the deaf and mute, I like the part with a woman with southern accent.

You have read four chapters. Tmw, I can finally post the stories. It said after 6:01 pm.
I agree. The book is better than the movie and it was hard to put down. The last time I finished reading it was the morning (5 am) before the Sept 11th attack. Scary huh? Beside Nick, the deaf and mute, I like the part with a woman with southern accent.

You have read four chapters. Tmw, I can finally post the stories. It said after 6:01 pm.

I second that. I love books more than movies. lol because it is more explain, define, a such detail, and it's easy to imagine it in your mind. ;)

...Fourteen more days till the poll runs out of time...tick tock...
Yep. TIME!!! tsk! Go vote, vote, vote!! oh, baby... who's win??

Really, i dont are who' win. lol =P
Yep. TIME!!! tsk! Go vote, vote, vote!! oh, baby... who's win??

Really, i dont are who' win. lol =P

I wonder what 'other' were...lol just kidding...it was your tie now, not mine. heh heh...

ghost and witch pairing sounds good. We can't vote twice. I never forget that ballet back in 2000...heh heh such a waste of time huh? Gore was parnoiciated (I don't care if everyone thinks it is not a word) that we all cheated.
ghost and witch pairing sounds good. We can't vote twice. I never forget that ballet back in 2000...heh heh such a waste of time huh? Gore was parnoiciated (I don't care if everyone thinks it is not a word) that we all cheated.

Ghost/witch pairing does sound good. Talking about the 2000 election, just think of all the tax dollars that were wasted. Too bad we don't seem to be able to get anyone with a lot of common sense in office. Of course, any one with common sense would know enough to stay away from running.. Just think of all the money Gore wasted with his three recounts.
Ghost/witch pairing does sound good. Talking about the 2000 election, just think of all the tax dollars that were wasted. Too bad we don't seem to be able to get anyone with a lot of common sense in office. Of course, any one with common sense would know enough to stay away from running.. Just think of all the money Gore wasted with his three recounts.

Poor Gore...I wouldn't vote him for governor. He pry wanted attention and no one gave him any...that is his problem...and beside he was Clinton's pet...ewwwww.....*cough* ahem...I wouldn't bother voting anybody who ever WAS or runs the office with such stories and rumors.

As for ghost/witch pairing. Ever seen BlairWitch Project. I would LOOOOVVVVE to in it!!!! I love the woods.
Blair witch was really good. MY mom refused to let me watch it. Thank god for my uncle. Were there any ghosts in blair witch? If so I don't recall.
Image you are being deaf so very, very alone in the woods, and all the sounds you have hear...you could get parnioicated BIG TIME, oh yeeeeahhhh, ask Mann, she will agree...because you cannot say what the sounds sound like one bit, unlessssss you do know the sound from somewhere in the back of your mind, but if you don't. You will be going through Hell and back trying get out ALIVE....mmmm, very intresting...
Image you are being deaf so very, very alone in the woods, and all the sounds you have hear...you could get parnioicated BIG TIME, oh yeeeeahhhh, ask Mann, she will agree...because you cannot say what the sounds sound like one bit, unlessssss you do know the sound from somewhere in the back of your mind, but if you don't. You will be going through Hell and back trying get out ALIVE....mmmm, very intresting...

YES! I agreeeee :D

I like the witch/ghost. it sound does good. :) but i like watch/vampire more than witch/ghost. ^^;;
Blair witch was really good. MY mom refused to let me watch it. Thank god for my uncle. Were there any ghosts in blair witch? If so I don't recall.

....So some had said they do...but some had said someone was setting them up. And the ending, it is so damn mystery. The way I picture the ending, I firgure that the person who was setting them up and played games to scare them, that person end killing them, who knows... It is a mystery. Some said it was a true story, so that is why they went to investagated, but they never got out alive....weird...I would go up there and find out myself, haha...seriously, damn I would...
Lol, let me know when you go, Ill come with. What I heard happened was that the actors were given camereas and told to go up in the woods and that the rest of the crew played games on them,so eveything they did was unscripted.
Lol, let me know when you go, Ill come with. What I heard happened was that the actors were given camereas and told to go up in the woods and that the rest of the crew played games on them,so eveything they did was unscripted.

Yes that is correct from what I heard..and did the one of crew purposely killed them? Or...hell, I don't know. I am going, wanna join Mann? It would be so cool. Remember cell phone won't work...and mmmm elwood can transluate the sounds, but only if, if he understands the sound. Lol. I can deal with the dark, of course!!!!

I think there was part two...I am going to find out.
I was in Boston, Mass. once with my brother back in 1985 with our parents and we went to the Witch craft place, kinda like haunted house in some sort...it was soooo freaking awesome. They also had some fake models dressed in witches with some informations about the past. They got witches in the old house scaring ppl. It was my most fav place to visit. ..the worst part of Boston was walking in the city with drunken bums chasing me and my mother!!! that my brother and my dad were forced to stay right behind us so they won't grab our asses. Sick-o city I am telling ya.

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