Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?

Hey, I said I saw TV ad means the commercial on tv... not by looking at Jell-O box in store. :)

Yes, I know and read that you saw on TV... Just ask for suggestion, that's all...
Dark Chocolate...Uckk

Spitin' spits spits too bitters, almost like coffee too bitter too, uckk uckk, I'm chokin' I can't breath uckk uckk!!! LOL!:rofl:

My my I'll love to have a tub full of Milky Chocolate, slurrrrppps!

Pardon me sir do you happen to have a Milky Chocolate ? LOL!

I like real chocolate from another country, U.S.A uses wax in chocolate and Hershey is one of them. YUCK!!!

Oh oh I onlys like Organic Chocolate, it's the real things baby! heh
There's this ongoing joke about the reason German chocolate is bitter is because all the sugar went to the French. Any truth to this Liebling?