Dangerous "Knockout Game" Spreads in USA

Blog: Rash of black-on-white-violence confounds New York City's media outlets

Go on. Nothing to look here. No hate crime here.

Though one got ask why the black on white attacks? Had it been the other way around you'd have Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton slobbering all over the place about the vicious racist, hate crimes taking place.

Nothing to see. Move along....

I see two men concerned about civil rights. Their skin color has nothing to do with it.
Nothing to see here.
Move along.
I agree with NYPD that it is a hate crime since the attackers are black and the victims are white or Asian. Black people have to be careful from now on because of KKK and Neo-Nazi who might look for revenge. Who knows?

I don't know about that unless they are stupid enough to go after a KKK member. But it is a curious thing seeing which people they are targeting when if done the other way around the media would be all over it like white on rice calling it a hate crime.

Btw, the "knockout game" is also called "polar bear hunting," "polar bear" or "polar bearing," for obvious reason why it's called that.

Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said Wednesday that some of the attacks were being investigated as hate crimes.The suspects in the Brooklyn attacks have all been black teens, police said.

Some victims have been slapped, some have been knocked down. The assaults are not robberies.

"A phrase that is used is 'polarbearing,' or 'polar bear,'" Kelly said. "Knockout has also been used."

Kelly said all eight attacks in recent weeks have been in Brooklyn's Crown Heights neighborhood, which is home to large populations of both blacks and Jews. He also said this trend is not new to police.

Yeah, move along.
This may be the direction this is going, unless this stops all together.

She had every right to defend herself when attacked by two thugs. Her life was in danger and resorted to shooting them.
She had every right to defend herself when attacked by two thugs. Her life was in danger and resorted to shooting them.
I never said that she didn't have the right. Of course, she should defend herself and I would probably do the same thing. It's just a shame that she was forced into that predicament. I'm sure it was very upsetting for her. No normal person takes a human life, no matter how justified, without it effecting their psyche.
Of course..they are black activists. That's what they do.

Black activists attack people by striking and hitting them for no reason at all?? Is that what you're alluding to? I see it differently.
Black activists attack people by striking and hitting them for no reason at all?? Is that what you're alluding to? I see it differently.

She means that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are black activists, not immature teens who knocked anyone out.
She means that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are black activists, not immature teens who knocked anyone out.
That's right but they prefer to be called civil rights activists, you know. Just like some deaf people, gay/lesbians, etc are civil rights activists as well.
Black activists attack people by striking and hitting them for no reason at all?? Is that what you're alluding to? I see it differently.

Foxrac understood me perfectly. I think u did as well so nice try.
Foxrac understood me perfectly. I think u did as well so nice try.

When you said "that's what they do" was certainly opposite of what Sharpton have done recently compared to his past responses. Now I realized you hadn't read the news of what Sharpton did recently.

I was asking for clarification because different groups of "black activists" operate differently on how they want to achieve their goals. Their motives, methods and M.O. vary. Some are great groups, others not so.
Some gangs are good, others not so. It is not necessary to enter skin color into the equation.
The entire game is unproven... While not quite a hoax it's definitely not a trend.... It doesn't happen enough and is not widespread enough to be a trend.

Guess What? The