Damn I can't spell shit.

Originally posted by deafclimber
bbnt, why dont u buy a small dictionary book and put it on beside ur monitor. it is always there for you. it likes ur thumb tickling by turning its pages. :)

that's way to slow when my kid is just sitting in the next room
:rofl: bbnt -- u arent alone -- my mom asks me how to spell words on occasions too along with my sister when im talking to her LOL -- been asked by a few friends too -- no biggie there are quite a few COMMON words that are misspelled quite often
Originally posted by Stevey Boy
come and join spelling bee contests around the nation

LoL I used to be involved a spelling bee for contest. I won first place then went to other place for contest in Detroit downtown.. I think i got in 4th or 5th place with bunch of hearing students. Im only one who is deaf :ugh: but it's fun to learn many big words.

My daughter who is gonna be 2nd grade in this fall. She likes to start her spelling words by her fingerspellin.. I said good job.. keep going.. She got only a couple wrong spell words entire her first grade.