I have read the "People's magazine "special double issue" about the Internet bullies, one boy who is 13 yrs old commit suicide because he got tired of being bullied by some people from the instant messages or chat rooms and that he spend hours chatting online in his bedroom, while he was home alone he took his grandfather's shotgun and loaded it with shells and shot himself.
His mother says she regrets letting her son keep a computer in his room, she thought she was being a great mom, didn't realized that people can be some mean on the Internet. There are more teens nowadays are experiences threatening instant messages. But why do some parent allowing them being on the Internet for hours? or allowing them in chat rooms when they should know that not every person from the Internet are good people, there are some mean and harsh people and either in chat rooms, there are going to be harassment in there also. I would not allow my son spend hours on the Internet and he is also under parent control, not allow to go in chat rooms he can only talk to people he knows his family and one of his best friend from school and allow to play certain games online, because I know how people are from the Internet, I wouldn't want my son being bullied or being harass. Let's discuss!