I was really good with the basic ASL ( more, milk, done, eat, hungry, poop, help...ect) because I was deaf when my son was born and he learned the basics too so we could communicate, this was even before he started talking. It worked very well for us being a stay at home dad. BUT once he got older and started talking, I couldn't understand him or hear what he sang and momma said I was missing so much. He got frustrated trying to explain something to me because I couldn't hear it got to the point he gave up trying to talk to me and would tell people my ears were broke. So then my wife sat me down and had a talk with me about getting CIs, so I started looking into it, went to some support meetings, met a bunch of CIers and with all the positive experiences I went for it and I love them. I still use ASL but its still basics as well although I want to be fluent in it. I'm very vocal and I think it confuses people when I don't wear the CIs and tell them I'm deaf... its a love / hate relationship.