If it were in fact as simple as making a choice, I think I would have say that I would much rather be straight.
Straight people dont have to constantly fight to prove to people that they are straight.
Straight people dont have to prove anything to anyone, people dont ask you "so when did you comeout straight?"
Striaght people dont get funny looks when they hold hands with their girl/boyfriend.
Straight people arent denied jobs because of who they love.
Straight people arent reminded on a daily basis that thousands of people want them dead.
Straight people dont have protestors come to their funerals telling their family that their loved one is going to hell.
Straight people dont have to argue that they were born straight, no one questions it.
Straight people dont have to worry about losing friends or family when they tell them about their new girl/boyfriend.
Straight peoples parents generally support their children getting married.
Straight peoples marriages arent questioned.
Straight people can get married to a total stranger, while gay people cant marry someone they have been with for over 40 years.
So while youre bickering and nagging over my sexuality, remember its a lot easier to be you. I would not chose to unwillingly have millions hate me. I dont like having to constantly prove who I am to people. I dont like people assuming im a whore just because im gay. I dont like people assuming what I do in my own bedroom. I dont like any of the stereotypes that come along with being gay. I dont have any STDS, I dont have AIDs, I dont use a dildo, I dont want to be a guy, I dont have sex with strangers in bathrooms.
Im going to be rather frank here about something. For a group of people, the deaf community, a lot of you are so open minded and so respetfucl of other minorities. But theres a select few of you, that I just cant seem to wrap my head around how you can demand and plead for respect when people are discussing you being a minority, and you talk about how annoying all the stereotypes that come with being deaf are. Yet you can so easily lump gay people into all these stereotypes, you can turn you nose up at them and deny them the same respect that you demand.
You have to give respect to get respect, and Im more than a little disgusted at the actions of some of the people on this forum. How dare some of you ask for respect for the deaf community which is just as much of a minority as the LGBT community, while you turn your nose, make vile assumptions and even go as far as using the vomit smiley in your posts when discussing LGBT persons.
How would you feel if someone came in here today and told you that being deaf is a choice, you chose it, youre going to hell for it, they think its totally disgusting that youre deaf, they assume you cant drive, they assume youre mute, they use vomit smileys and say that you disgust them and they just cant understand why anyone would be deaf?
You wouldnt enjoy that, so if youre going to try and have an open mind and ask a question such as this please at least act youre fucking age and show a little bit of respect when you get answers. Just because you dont agree with them or they arent the answers you wish they were, if you want respect, you need to show some. Because we all know what a hizzy you get in when someone disrepects you, so quit expecting everyone to coddle and baby you while you act like a six year old revolted by the taste of green peas.