Curious about Candles

huch, incense?... I am not sure.
Sorry i dont know how is right English word (German word "Rauchstab"). I did figure dictionary out, they said "smoke staff" :dunno:

heheh, I love those too, I use incense also, never thought of the word smoke staff. I love Lavender, also, oh I forgot what it called, it's very popular, I think its a girl's name brand. oh, haha, my mind blanked, ( not as Match Game by saying, Dumb Dora, met a strange cat and Blank it) ROFL
I LOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEE candles and the different kinds of candle holders. Now, I have my candles in a box cuz my son was eating them. When he gets older, will take them out again and start collecting them again. I have a few hung up and try to lite them up every now and then. I MUST lite them up cuz the aromas relax me. :)

My favorite are Cranberry and vanilla scents. As for colors, I love transculent colors..
love rain, florst, fruits

HATE VANILLA !!!! lol :giggle: