Culture or Not?

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Miss *P.

I am trying to be nice and you always rude and discrimation. Heterosexual can get AIDS or HIV if they are married.

Mods please block Miss *P on "The Closet" threads. I believe that she hurt their feeling or not.
Don´t worry about Miss *P.

Let us enjoy our posts here :thumb:
Gay have the culture, oh please! They are just f**king others for their own self-ish sexual pleasure. That is a blunt message for anyone.

The government and United Nation do not regonize gay as a new culture. People just keep saying that they have the culture.

Gay don't really created the AIDs/HIV. Everyone created the AID/HIV. Gay people had more AIDs/HIV than straight people in past because they were having sex with anyone. So things got spreaded very fast and then it overcomes the straight people through their spouses from the whores or affairs with their marriage. Today the striaght people have more AIDs/HIV than gay people. It just make sense to me.

Miss P, you may want to watch the AIDs/HIV invading the China's people really fast. I want you to study why it is happening and you will be surprised.
Crazymanw00t said:
Gay have the culture, oh please! They are just f**king others for their own self-ish sexual pleasure. That is a blunt message for anyone.

Miss*Pinocchio said:
yeah heterosexual can get AIDS and HIV, but not if they get married
and be faithful and not have blood transfusion.

you guys are not dumb, I am done with this thread, bye.

According to your logic, marriage is a prevention of AIDS/HIV. Well, if you allowed gay people to get married, then maybe they would not have AIDS as well? How fucked up is this logic? You have to be careful, thats simple! Marriage has nothing to do with prevention of AIDS and HIV. Monogamous gay people who are careful do not get AIDS. I'm sure this is news item to you, but yes, there are such a thing as monogamous gay relationships. I would know, as I am in one.
kuifje75 said:
According to your logic, marriage is a prevention of AIDS/HIV. Well, if you allowed gay people to get married, then maybe they would not have AIDS as well? How fucked up is this logic? You have to be careful, thats simple! Marriage has nothing to do with prevention of AIDS and HIV. Monogamous gay people who are careful do not get AIDS. I'm sure this is news item to you, but yes, there are such a thing as monogamous gay relationships. I would know, as I am in one.

Well let me explain you in the deep logic thing with the straight marriage.

If you are very faithful and respecting to the marriage value. Which it means that you will never have sex with anyone else than your spouse. It is impossible to get AIDs/HIV unless you are doing the herions, or blood transfering, or got in fight and got blood transfered.

Gay marriage and how the hell it works? They are f**king for their own self-ish pleasure. They don't need the marriage because they couldn't make children. The bible say no gay, incest, animal sex, and so on. If you want to allow the gay marriage and therefore you must allow incest marriage, animal-marriage, and so on. That thing is so messed up and that is why we are opposed to the gay marrige. They just need to stop being a gay people.
Crazymanw00t said:
Well let me explain you in the deep logic thing with the straight marriage.

If you are very faithful and respecting to the marriage value. Which it means that you will never have sex with anyone else than your spouse. It is impossible to get AIDs/HIV unless you are doing the herions, or blood transfering, or got in fight and got blood transfered.

Gay marriage and how the hell it works? They are f**king for their own self-ish pleasure. They don't need the marriage because they couldn't make children. The bible say no gay, incest, animal sex, and so on. If you want to allow the gay marriage and therefore you must allow incest marriage, animal-marriage, and so on. That thing is so messed up and that is why we are opposed to the gay marrige. They just need to stop being a gay people.

Whoa! That is so deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. NOT.

Straight couples get married in purpose to fuck for their own selfish pleasures as well. A lot of returned missionaries look for women to marry fast, so that they can abide by their religious doctrines and experience sex for the first time in their lives. Some RMs do not even realise that marriage takes a lot of work, and that is why the divorce rate is very high in Utah.

You are setting gay people aside according to your own standards, thinking that straight is normal and gay isnt. I am sorry to inform you that your "paternalistic" attitudes towards homosexuality and the so-called pretext of using the Bible as an evidence from God (after all, the Bible was written by men) contribute to a very weak argument indeed.

Homosexuality does not equate to polygamy nor beasity. Get over your naive Weltanschauung. You need to stop being so biased. With such zeal you spend time answering homosexual-related questions with such bias, it would compel one to wonder whether if you are an in-closet homo.
Crazymanw00t said:
Well let me explain you in the deep logic thing with the straight marriage.

If you are very faithful and respecting to the marriage value. Which it means that you will never have sex with anyone else than your spouse. It is impossible to get AIDs/HIV unless you are doing the herions, or blood transfering, or got in fight and got blood transfered.

Gay marriage and how the hell it works? They are f**king for their own self-ish pleasure. They don't need the marriage because they couldn't make children. The bible say no gay, incest, animal sex, and so on. If you want to allow the gay marriage and therefore you must allow incest marriage, animal-marriage, and so on. That thing is so messed up and that is why we are opposed to the gay marrige. They just need to stop being a gay people.

Lets say that I understood with you way of thinking or agreed with you. WHICH I DON'T!!! Then what about a case where someone is born with both sex organs. Who are they supposed to mate with in order not to be considered homosexual? God created them that way so how could he hate or condem them to hell as long as they try to live a good life?
kuifje75 said:
Whoa! That is so deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. NOT.

Straight couples get married in purpose to fuck for their own selfish pleasures as well.
Yes, you are right. You need to remember that the gay people's main idea to be gay because they want to satisfy themselve first. It is extremely easy for them to find a person to have sex. It is extremely easy to do anything with same-sex which it is not normal. It is also a extremely full of sickness in the gay world. It is a absolute truth from the inside of the gay world.

A lot of returned missionaries look for women to marry fast, so that they can abide by their religious doctrines and experience sex for the first time in their lives. Some RMs do not even realise that marriage takes a lot of work, and that is why the divorce rate is very high in Utah.
Did you research the popluar reiligion in Utah? If you able to find the answer and that is the reason for it. Also the Bible already showed the system to set the strong marriage and it is called Courtship. Many people choose to ignore it and it outcome with the problems.

You are setting gay people aside according to your own standards, thinking that straight is normal and gay isnt. I am sorry to inform you that your "paternalistic" attitudes towards homosexuality and the so-called pretext of using the Bible as an evidence from God (after all, the Bible was written by men) contribute to a very weak argument indeed.
Simple you don't believe in the Bible and I believe in the Bible. The bible set the standard and I follow it. You don't follow it therefore I cannot debate with you.

Sorry the Bible made it clear and it is 100% absolute truth and you just don't want to believe it. It is extremely sad for the people that don't want to believe in the Bible.

Conclusion: Gay is not a normal way, period. If you think Gay is normal and you must believe the incest and animal sex is normal, period.

Homosexuality does not equate to polygamy nor beasity. Get over your naive Weltanschauung. You need to stop being so biased. With such zeal you spend time answering homosexual-related questions with such bias, it would compel one to wonder whether if you are an in-closet homo.

I understand the gay world and you will be very surprised with my knowledge and experience with the gay people. You cannot call me as narrow-minded because I disagree with the gay people. You just cannot do that. If you want me to rebuttal you about calling me the narrow-minded and that's fine with me.

I am giving you the absolute truth which you call me as baised. If I were a weak-minded person and I would agree with you long time ago. Sorry I am not a weak-minded person.

Conclusion: The Bible already gave you the outline to make your life very much easier and to live as a perfect life. You just ignore it. You don't believe in Bible and I couldn't debate with you and all I have to do is to gospel you about the Bible.
mlkshkgrl said:
Lets say that I understood with you way of thinking or agreed with you. WHICH I DON'T!!! Then what about a case where someone is born with both sex organs. Who are they supposed to mate with in order not to be considered homosexual? God created them that way so how could he hate or condem them to hell as long as they try to live a good life?
That is a easy answer.
They aren't homosexual.
Crazymanw00t said:
Gay marriage and how the hell it works? They are f**king for their own self-ish pleasure. They don't need the marriage because they couldn't make children. The bible say no gay, incest, animal sex, and so on. If you want to allow the gay marriage and therefore you must allow incest marriage, animal-marriage, and so on. That thing is so messed up and that is why we are opposed to the gay marrige. They just need to stop being a gay people.

Okay. Does that mean that straight people who can't have children can't marry? What if someone gets married, but it turns out they can't have children? Does that mean they can't have sex anymore?

Also, I was just wondering. If a straight couple wants to ahve sex with a condom, are they sinning? I mean, they are "f*king for their own self-ish pleasure", right?

I was just wondering if you use the same standards that you apply to gay people to straight people. Do YOU f*ck for your own self-ish pleasure?

If so, please stop it. Or stop bashing gay people.

Gay have the culture, oh please! They are just f**king others for their own self-ish sexual pleasure. That is a blunt message for anyone. Sorry the Bible made it clear and it is 100% absolute truth and you just don't want to believe it. It is extremely sad for the people that don't want to believe in the Bible. Conclusion: Gay is not a normal way, period.

The bible made it clear that not to judge yet to be judged. You still repeated the same sins. Jesus said "He judged no man, that if one were to identify sin." It seems that you never commit a sin, but you sniffing other people's sins. It does not give you an opportunity to attack homosexual Americans just because it sickness you, therefore is that something Jesus would do? Ask yourself that question.

You giving Christians a bad name because of how you are preaching to people, If you take a good look at yourself, You are nowhere perfect than anyone. Please remember that. Only Jesus and God are the two that can judge us for our sins.
why should we listen to Europeans, when they legalize prostitution!!!

I ain't surprise when they passed gay marriage.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
why should we listen to Europeans, when they legalize prostitution!!!

I ain't surprise when they passed gay marriage.

Read my post that I applied to Crazyman, It applies to you as well.
:madfawk: Didnt you already dismiss yourself from this thread Miss P?? :madfawk:
Cheri said:
The bible made it clear that not to judge yet to be judged. You still repeated the same sins. Jesus said "He judged no man, that if one were to identify sin." It seems that you never commit a sin, but you sniffing other people's sins. It does not give you an opportunity to attack homosexual Americans just because it sickness you, therefore is that something Jesus would do? Ask yourself that question.

You giving Christians a bad name because of how you are preaching to people, If you take a good look at yourself, You are nowhere perfect than anyone. Please remember that. Only Jesus and God are the two that can judge us for our sins.

I repeated million of time and you are wrong with those comments against me. You are heavily influenced by the pragmatic Christian and that is the wonderful successful that Satan accomplished with you. I would wish to meet you in person and discuss what the Bible really excalty trying to tell you to clear off all those brainwashing thing that the pragmatic Christian installed in your mind.

Jesus Christ made it very clear and he commands everyone to quit doing the sinful life. Therefore gay is a sinful life. Therefore I preach people to quit for Jesus Christ. Therefore it is not a judging thing. I am doing for Jesus Christ. He commanded every Christian to preach everyone to quit their sinful life. Do you want the gay people to remain with their sinful life? To me you seems want them to stay with their sinful and try not to suggest them to quit their sinful life. Just because you think it is a judging thing and that came from the pragmatic Christian. It seems that you had been brainwashed by the pragmatic Christian. Therefore right now you are saying I am judging and that is a very navie thing for you to say.
cady75 said:
Okay. Does that mean that straight people who can't have children can't marry? What if someone gets married, but it turns out they can't have children? Does that mean they can't have sex anymore?
Whoa, Whoa. The marriage is a purpose for the striaght people. No matter what they can make or cannot make children and they are still able to get married.

Also, I was just wondering. If a straight couple wants to ahve sex with a condom, are they sinning? I mean, they are "f*king for their own self-ish pleasure", right?
I don't know about the condom situation, and I believe it is not a sin thing because it didn't say anything about that in the Bible.

They can use condom if they like to prevent to have other child in the family since if it is too much for them to handle with their own family size. It is a common sense thing to use.

If they are married and they can pleasure the gift from God. The gift from God is the sexual activity as the reward for the couples that are married. It is hard to say that they are having sex for their own pleasure. When the couples get married and the couples becomes one person. Two person becomes one person in God's vision. So the logic thing that the two person is having the same pleasure at same time because they are one.

I was just wondering if you use the same standards that you apply to gay people to straight people. Do YOU f*ck for your own self-ish pleasure?

Sorry I am virgin. The sex is only for the straight couples, period. Bible set it as the standard for everyone. Jesus Christ commanded us to follow it.

If so, please stop it. Or stop bashing gay people.
Can you just ignore me? It is my job to preach gay people to repent their gay life to the righteous life.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
why should we listen to Europeans, when they legalize prostitution!!!

I ain't surprise when they passed gay marriage.

Prostitution is a sin thing to do, anyway.
Crazymanw00t said:
I repeated million of time and you are wrong with those comments against me. You are heavily influenced by the pragmatic Christian and that is the wonderful successful that Satan accomplished with you. I would wish to meet you in person and discuss what the Bible really excalty trying to tell you to clear off all those brainwashing thing that the pragmatic Christian installed in your mind.

Jesus Christ made it very clear and he commands everyone to quit doing the sinful life. Therefore gay is a sinful life. Therefore I preach people to quit for Jesus Christ. Therefore it is not a judging thing. I am doing for Jesus Christ. He commanded every Christian to preach everyone to quit their sinful life. Do you want the gay people to remain with their sinful life? To me you seems want them to stay with their sinful and try not to suggest them to quit their sinful life. Just because you think it is a judging thing and that came from the pragmatic Christian. It seems that you had been brainwashed by the pragmatic Christian. Therefore right now you are saying I am judging and that is a very navie thing for you to say.

A Christian is a person who believes in Christ, When a Christian preach to someone, They are not supposed to point out the persons sins. Judge yet to be judge, It is not written That we should judge anyone.

There is some issues that you have address above, Is that what Jesus would want you to commanded?
They are just f**king others for their own self-ish sexual pleasure. That is a blunt message for anyone.
I think not. Be careful what you say.

When Jesus basically says "go and sin no more" But that doesn't mean you won't sin anymore in the future which is practically impossible. It's the truth. We are sinners just like Eve and Adam.

Homosexual people are decent people just like us, We are not to harass, threaten, hurt or even murder them. It's not my place to say that homosexual is a sin because, no sin is far worst than any other sins. All I can do for them is to pray for them and love them that's what Jesus would want to.

Now, that You've called me "pragmatic Christian and that is the successful that Satan accomplished me?" Just because I am not you, that doesn't mean I am a pragmatic Christians. I don't want to be a person that judge others for their sins, when I have sinned too myself. Why would I preach someone, when I have done the same amount of sins as they have done?
Mods, please :locked: :locked: :locked: :locked: my thread. I did not create it with an intention of having some members spewing out anti-gay remarks.

I created it to discuss whether it is a culture or not. Enough said.
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