I think you should embrace your deafness... which is better than nothing.
You're losing your hearing. You're struggling with the hearing world. That struggle will continue to get worse and by not doing anything about the deaf side, you're digging yourself into a deeper darker hole that you won't be able to get out of.
Imagine yourself digging a hole. There's a deaf man sitting at the edge of that hole and a hearing man sitting at the other edge of that hole. Both men are watching you.
As you dig deeper and deeper, it gets darker and darker... making it harder for the surface to see or hear what's at the bottom. Suddenly, you find yourself to where it's too dark and too deep for the surface to see or hear anything. Both men can't hear you and both men can't see you. Now, you want out and you don't know what to do.
Now, both men get concerned and shine their lights down the hole to check on you. They see you and try communicating with you asking if you needed anything.
If you had embraced your deafness, what would you have already been doing? You would have accepted the fact that you're deaf and taken steps to improve your communication such as learning sign language. A person who has embraced your deafness and wanted to be part of that, would also have accepted your deafness and taken an effort to learn sign language too. Well, you accepted your deafness and learned sign language. But... what of those two men?
If the hearing man had not accepted your deafness and didn't learn sign language, what would he be doing to communicate with you? He would be yelling at you. You can't hear him and he can't hear you. So, you try signing back to him asking for a rope. Unfortunately, that hearing man can't be of any help for he can't understand what you're saying.
If the hearing man had accepted your deafness and made an effort to learn sign language, what would he be doing to communicate with you? He would be signing at you. Now, you both understand each other and you're able to ask him for a rope to which he drops and lets you use it to climb out.
The same goes for the deaf man who has already embraced his deafness and learned sign language.
So, what I'm saying is... embrace your deafness. Be with those who also embrace your deafness. Those who are deaf and embraced their deafness are likely to embrace your deafness. If your hearing counterparts won't embrace your deafness, then you're going to struggle with them. Don't get stuck in the deep dark hole.