Cued Speech


New Member
Apr 16, 2007
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I was just curious what everyone thinks about Cued Speech. What do you know about it? Do you think it's good for Deaf children or not?
I think it can be a good tool for reading and writing but not as a language itself.
Yes....It's a great inbetween tool, to fill the communication toolbox.
I don't think it should be used as a primary language, but its a good "bridge" and a good way for dhh kids to learn how to read via phonetics.
I agree with Shel90 and deafdyke.
As someone who started out learning cued speech, it's a great tool to learn lipreading and how speech works. But as a permanent solution, it has it's drawbacks. The fact you're using one hand more than the other to make the movements, can be a problem.

I used it for 3 years, before I learned sign language. So I do recommend using it to teach lipreading and speech. But once the child or person has mastered speech and lipreading, I'd move on to sign langauge.