Cued Speech: self-taught?

Thanks for the link, dreama. :)

I wonder why a combination of cued speech and Tadoma aren't used more often by the deafblind?

The Tadama system was used a lot by the Perkin's school at one stage. In fact in the height of the oral only system it was the ONLY system in operatation. It produced a few 'successes' but many failures. Unfortunately nobody really bothered to analize these failures as being due to HOW it was used.

The Oral only approach has left a lot of scars. These days they are go through the CI in early childhood aproach followed by Audiory verbal training so other speech systems such as cued speech tend just to get scant lip service but not used much.

The other side don't seem to like them that much because Ironically speaking they are seen as 'oral' systems and dismissed icily. The cued speach society itself doesn't really help matters since I don't think they stress on sign language enough. They are NOT against sign language but I feel they should promote it more.

I'm all for Cued speech as part of a BiBi aproach but not so sure of it as a stand alone system.

Offtopic for Hear again:
You asked what critters I have. I've got 3 chinchillas and 4 pet rats. Plus my guide dog Jili.
The Tadama system was used a lot by the Perkin's school at one stage. In fact in the height of the oral only system it was the ONLY system in operatation. It produced a few 'successes' but many failures. Unfortunately nobody really bothered to analize these failures as being due to HOW it was used.

The Oral only approach has left a lot of scars. These days they are go through the CI in early childhood aproach followed by Audiory verbal training so other speech systems such as cued speech tend just to get scant lip service but not used much.

The other side don't seem to like them that much because Ironically speaking they are seen as 'oral' systems and dismissed icily. The cued speach society itself doesn't really help matters since I don't think they stress on sign language enough. They are NOT against sign language but I feel they should promote it more.

I'm all for Cued speech as part of a BiBi aproach but not so sure of it as a stand alone system.

Offtopic for Hear again:
You asked what critters I have. I've got 3 chinchillas and 4 pet rats. Plus my guide dog Jili.

I completely agree that the Bi-Bi approach should include cued speech, but not at the expense of signing.


Regarding your critters, you remind me of my best friend who has several rats, a guide dog, two birds and a ferret.