Creepiest Barbie Ever To Be Built

I used to have lunch with the goth kids every day in high school, and naturally they'd all made their Barbies goths when they were little:


A bit more authentic than rock chick Barbie?


By the way, follow the link in that ASL Barbie article for a complete(ly fictitious) line of Deaf/HoH Barbies. Linky here. The names are priceless!
This may come as a shock to you but dolls (and any other toys) are not "real." They are objects for kids' imaginations. When I made plastic brick buildings I didn't expect them to pass a building inspection for occupation. I knew GI Joe didn't really parachute from a plane, and my stuffed teddy bear couldn't really talk and go to school. That's what "play" is about.


Since her womb isn't "accurate" either, what does it matter?

I don't know that people are "uptight" about a doll looking real; it just isn't necessary. Kids can use their imaginations and creativity to fill in the blanks. That's what play time is all about.

I think it's kinda nuts to make big deals about toys lacking realism.

There is nothing accurate about Barbie dolls . Wow you really were into your dolls. I never asked my mother to buy any doll when I was a child.
I did get a walking and talking doll for Xmas because I was run over by a car. My dad took it apart to see how it worked then put it back together. It still worked.
There is nothing accurate about Barbie dolls . Wow you really were into your dolls. I never asked my mother to buy any doll when I was a child.
I did get a walking and talking doll for Xmas because I was run over by a car. My dad took it apart to see how it worked then put it back together. It still worked.

The doll was run over by a car you mean...
The doll was run over by a car you mean...

NO , I was run over by the car!! You are so wrong! My parented brought the doll for me because they felt so horrible about a hiring an irresponsible person to take care of me. The girl was not to take me on a 4 miles walk when I was only 4yo . And the girl did it anyway and I got run over by a car and my leg was broken and I was had a cast on my leg for 2 months . The cast was so heavy I had trouble walking . So my parents brought me a fancy walking taking doll that I still have , she is 63 yo old .
as a kid, I had this friend who would make a small penis out of pink playdough and put it on her Ken dolls. lol

That is funny . And I bet she is not the only kid that did this. I happy to say that I never had a Ken or Barbie doll.
That's why they are for a child's imagination. They aren't designed for anatomical research. :roll:

So sue me.

Good for you. Do you want a medal?

No , I just they're think crap and I am glad I did not waste money $$ buying the junk. I just really do not get it why girls like these dolls , I think they brainwashed to like them. There is nothing you can say to say my mind . Good grief I never said they where for anatomical research , no they where made to make $$$! The company does not give a crap about the child's imagination.
No , I just they're think crap and I am glad I did not waste money $$ buying the junk.
Of course, that's your opinion, and many would disagree.

My mother made clothes for my dolls, so I didn't spend much money on them. I didn't ask her to do it--she surprised me with the dolls and clothes.

t just really do not get it why girls like these dolls , I think they brainwashed to like them. There is nothing you can say to say my mind .
There's nothing you can say to change my mind either. Some girls enjoy playing with dolls and some don't. There's no need to bad mouth one group or the other. Girls can enjoy dolls without being brainwashed. My friends and I enjoyed playing dolls together; it was fun, not brainwashing.

Good grief I never said they where for anatomical research , no they where made to make $$$! The company does not give a crap about the child's imagination.
Do you feel better now?
NO , I was run over by the car!! You are so wrong! My parented brought the doll for me because they felt so horrible about a hiring an irresponsible person to take care of me. The girl was not to take me on a 4 miles walk when I was only 4yo . And the girl did it anyway and I got run over by a car and my leg was broken and I was had a cast on my leg for 2 months . The cast was so heavy I had trouble walking . So my parents brought me a fancy walking taking doll that I still have , she is 63 yo old .

Wow. I had thought you made a typo. Sorry to hear that it happened to you. I imagine it was traumatic experience for you.
No , I just they're think crap and I am glad I did not waste money $$ buying the junk. I just really do not get it why girls like these dolls , I think they brainwashed to like them. There is nothing you can say to say my mind . Good grief I never said they where for anatomical research , no they where made to make $$$! The company does not give a crap about the child's imagination.

I used my imagination to dress them up in different styles...that's how I learned about fashion. I also used a curling iron to try to curl my dolls' hair...ooops..
I luckily..... never was into Barbies.... I played with G.I. Joe, cap guns, Power Rangers and all that other cool stuff. :P :laugh2: My little sister had some Barbies, I cut their hair.... It was then I realized I was not meant to be a hair stylist.
I luckily..... never was into Barbies.... I played with G.I. Joe, cap guns, Power Rangers and all that other cool stuff. :P :laugh2: My little sister had some Barbies, I cut their hair.... It was then I realized I was not meant to be a hair stylist.

I rarely had dolls too. My sis and I just ventured out into the woods (North Carolina) and came back having done something wrong or funny!
I rarely had dolls too. My sis and I just ventured out into the woods (North Carolina) and came back having done something wrong or funny!

Hell yeah! I was a tree climber.... but I also loved to knock on people's doors and run away..... :devil: I did lots of innocent mean stuff. :giggle:
I luckily..... never was into Barbies.... I played with G.I. Joe, cap guns, Power Rangers and all that other cool stuff. :P :laugh2: My little sister had some Barbies, I cut their hair.... It was then I realized I was not meant to be a hair stylist.
I played with Barbies, GI Joe, cap guns, marbles, jacks, pocket knife, pirate swords, and lots of cool stuff. I rode a bike, roller and ice skated, hoola hooped, hop scotched, jumped rope, played on the swing set, built structures with plastic bricks (indoors) and bamboo stalks (outdoors). I painted pictures and models, created dioramas for my models, practiced baton, made snow forts, and swam at the beach or in a pool.

In other words, one can play with Barbies and still do other things. :lol:

My Barbies came with short hair--"bubble cuts." That's the way they were made at that time.
Hell yeah! I was a tree climber.... but I also loved to knock on people's doors and run away..... :devil: I did lots of innocent mean stuff. :giggle:
Uh, oh. We rang the front door bell and ran away. One time I also made a mud "milkshake" and tried to convince another little kid that it was real and she could drink it.

Depending on where we lived at the time, I did some tree climbing. When we lived in the Mojave Desert there were no trees to climb. (Joshua trees are not for climbing. :giggle: )
My stepmother bought me a Barbie. I think she was sorely disappointed as I hated it. It looked like an adult and I didn't relate to it at all. So it just sat on a shelf.

I loved my toy cars, grocery semi, and tractor. Plus an electric car racetrack.
how many times the kid going get barbi give birth,there realistic and there little girls who just want doll