Credit card

yeah I have about 2 credit cards.. that is enough for me. I am good take care of it . I dont like to use it a lot money over like 1,000 or more... geezus it take years and years to finish paid it off.
For starter, I have a debit card from my bank which I use for most of my stuff. I used to have four credit cards, but I paid off two... Now I have two left and am paying off them. I plan to just keep one for emergency and use my debit card whenever I need to. (back then, my debit card did not have visa logo, so companies would not let me use it...) I hate carrying cash, especially in countries where you have to bring so much money in your pocket, like Italy... I will never forget I withdrew 1 million Lire from the ATM. (which was like 500$)
I have one credit card. soon, it will be over! Only few months lefts to payoff then I am free! Woohoo!

:madfawk: @ Credit Card's Interest%.
credit cards are complicated I can tell :eek: but I have one but I don't use it that much cuz I ain't stupid if I need it that bad ;)
*counting* yikes!

i have 2 store credit card, and 7 major credit card, 1 atm card.

As long i use them wisely :)
I have just one debit card... I cant bring myself to get a credit card, I saw what it did to my parents. Im happy living paycheck to paycheck (i get paid every week) as long as people dont ask me for money :)
used to have a credit card, paid it off, canceled it, i perfer JUST debit card with the visa logo at least i can pay things off thru my bank as opposed to using cash and etc. and i won't give my PIN nbrs to anyone. So make sense not need credit cards its a waste of money!
Me....:Oops: I have 2 credit cards and surely wish I never got them in the first place. I never had credit cards until I moved to Australia -- used one of them for when I went overseas to USA for my one month holiday. It did help, but sucks having to pay it off along with high APR interests. :madfawk:
After I've paid them both off, I plan on cancelling them and stick with my pay cheques. ;)