Created captioned video search plugins for Hulu and Youtube


New Member
Nov 27, 2008
Reaction score
You can grab them from here:
Mycroft Project: Caption Search Engine Plugins - Firefox & IE7

They should work on IE7 or higher and Firefox 2.0 and higher.

If you have any questions, or they don't work for you for whatever reason, let me know.

Also, if there are other video sites that permit searching for captioned videos - no matter how convoluted the process is... let me know and I'll try to make a plugin or find a work around.

Looking forward to hearing from you.
That's great. I've never seen that before. Thanks.

Would it be possible to have one for other network sites such as, and I don't know if it's possible but I know they have some CC videos so I thought I'd ask.

Thanks again.
RE: custom search on NBC/Fox/ABC/etc

if your able to figure out how to search for captioned content on any of these sites (no matter how many steps are involved) I'll try to find a way to create a search plugin for the search.
Youtube has a function that allows you to search for videos that have CC.
If you type in your search words, then look on the bar underneath the search words, there is the word 'type'.
Clikc on that and one of the options is closed captioning
Click that to get all the videos listed that have CC for your topic.