Crack the myth: Reverse Audism does NOT exist.

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I meant, I don't think audism exist without malice in reply to Jillio's post. I never said that it doesn't exist.

I disagree. I believe people can discriminate without intending to just as people can practice audist behavior without realizing it.

Just look at how children play. They often just imitate their parents (or other adults) without any understanding that what they are doing is harmful. These children grow into adults and often perpetuate the same behavior never knowing that they are harming others.
That is simply the result of your refusal to look at the hearing privledge you have every single day of your life. Until you are able to do that, you will consistently engage in audist activities and make audist statements, however unwittingly it may be.

Your scope is far too narrow. You look only at your suface attitudes. You need to look deeper at the ways in which being a part of majority hearing society for your entire life has instilled audism in your very identity whether you recognize it as such or not.

You see my life as privileged(I'm laughing), interesting. And, you want to use that as a cover for people who practice discrimination, very interesting.

If there is no specific instance, then there is no broader issue.
What are you talking about? You appear to be very confused.

All roads lead to Rome:

Terms of discrimination:
Civil Rights Violation
(And yes) Audism

But lets not stop there as there are synonmyms as well:

Main Entry:
discrimination  [dih-skrim-uh-ney-shuhn] Show IPA
Synonyms: bigotry, favoritism, hatred, inequity, injustice, intolerance, partiality, prejudice, unfairness, wrong
All roads lead to Rome:

Terms of discrimination:
Civil Rights Violation
(And yes) Audism

But lets not stop there as there are synonmyms as well:

Main Entry:
discrimination  [dih-skrim-uh-ney-shuhn] Show IPA
Synonyms: bigotry, favoritism, hatred, inequity, injustice, intolerance, partiality, prejudice, unfairness, wrong

Sorry, I missed the point here... What are you trying to say?
You see my life as privileged(I'm laughing), interesting. And, you want to use that as a cover for people who practice discrimination, very interesting.

She wasn't talking about your life, per se; she was specifically referring to you being hearing.
Now you are just being rude.

It's sarcasm not rudeness. His post is just using the numbers as a reason and it is not a reason, it is a description. The description is just a label.

As far as the roads to Rome goes, when you say Audism is not the same thing as discrimination, first of all it is, and if you give another example of discrimination you are just using a different name for the same thing. If you argue that it is too narrow to use that definition, it doesn't hold water because discrimination is very broad as you can see by the terms used to describe it.

No pun was intended in my post... other than sarcasm.
She wasn't talking about your life, per se; she was specifically referring to you being hearing.

She was talking about being privileged by being hearing(more correctly HoH or deaf) and how can that not be about my life? You know, if I wasn't so privileged I'd think that statement to be audist.
We are not going to disagree on this, I do think everyone no matter their physical characteristic is individually responsible for their actions. To label some group as being immune to that does not make sense, IMO. I cannot justify it to myself.
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It's sarcasm not rudeness. His post is just using the numbers as a reason and it is not a reason, it is a description. The description is just a label.

As far as the roads to Rome goes, when you say Audism is not the same thing as discrimination, first of all it is, and if you give another example of discrimination you are just using a different name for the same thing. If you argue that it is too narrow to use that definition, it doesn't hold water because discrimination is very broad as you can see by the terms used to describe it.

No pun was intended in my post... other than sarcasm.

I am beginning to see what you are missing here. What you do not realize is that audism includes more than just discrimination. It includes a whole array of attributes and mind sets.

I can clearly see how you would see everything as a form of discrimination. Perhaps on some level they are are. But if you want to talk about the nuts and bolts then you need a way to define a set of traits in order to have a meaningful discussion. The term audism includes discrimination and a bunch of other things and to stand around claiming that audism is simply discrimination is to dismiss the other factors involved.

One example of audism that is not clearly discrimination. Hearing person finds out that a deaf person can drive a car and exclaims "Oh, I didn't know they let them drive". This is a person being ignorant (and not using their head but that's another matter).

Another example, a doctor tells a new mom that they are really sorry but their child is deaf and will never function in society. This is ignorance born of a generation of living in an a society that equates speech/hearing with IQ.
I am beginning to see what you are missing here. What you do not realize is that audism includes more than just discrimination. It includes a whole array of attributes and mind sets.

I can clearly see how you would see everything as a form of discrimination. Perhaps on some level they are are. But if you want to talk about the nuts and bolts then you need a way to define a set of traits in order to have a meaningful discussion. The term audism includes discrimination and a bunch of other things and to stand around claiming that audism is simply discrimination is to dismiss the other factors involved.

One example of audism that is not clearly discrimination. Hearing person finds out that a deaf person can drive a car and exclaims "Oh, I didn't know they let them drive". This is a person being ignorant (and not using their head but that's another matter).

Another example, a doctor tells a new mom that they are really sorry but their child is deaf and will never function in society. This is ignorance born of a generation of living in an a society that equates speech/hearing with IQ.

The first example is a truthful expression of knowledge(or ignorance as you point out).

The second example is an opinion.

I disagree that these two things constitute audism(ignorance and opinion), however, I see the point you are trying to make(to show me as bigger picture), but can you explain to me how if either of these statements are said by a deaf person, would not also be ignorance or opinion(hurtful as you might say) to a hearing person? And, why it would not matter because it was said by someone who is deaf?

If your reason is because there are not enough deaf people and that deaf people don't have enough money, I'm sorry, I don't agree with it. You'll have to give me something better than that to change my opinion.
You see my life as privileged(I'm laughing), interesting. And, you want to use that as a cover for people who practice discrimination, very interesting.

If there is no specific instance, then there is no broader issue.

You're not HOH or deaf?
I meant, I don't think audism exist without malice in reply to Jillio's post. I never said that it doesn't exist.

You know, you're beautiful when you debate. :cool2:

Then you are wrong.

And your second statement would make you a patronizing sexist, as well.:cool2:
You see my life as privileged(I'm laughing), interesting. And, you want to use that as a cover for people who practice discrimination, very interesting.

If there is no specific instance, then there is no broader issue.

That is not a cover. It is a fact. Shame that you are too narrow minded to even attempt a discussion of the topic.
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